The official roleplaying game based on Corvus Belli's sci-fi skirmish game INFINITY
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Shipping Update & Video of books
over 7 years ago
– Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 12:06:40 AM
Hi everyone,
Here's a video showing off the Quickstart, Adventures in the Human Sphere, Quantronic Heat (bonus adventure) and Double-Sided poster of the Human Sphere & Paradiso. The Player's Guide is in the warehouse already but we've not had samples here yet. It's great to finally see them in print after all this time.
We had planned to start the shipments towards the end of last week but the core book shipment was caught in the Frankfurt Book Fair chaos - this is the equivalent of GenCon and Essen time 100 which basically shuts down all the major printers and ties up trucking (certainly in Germany) where we were printing. It is now being packed to leave the factory and will ship on Wednesday, this takes 5 days to reach us (so next monday) and shipments will then start on the Tuesday 21st. We are planning a bigger update about Wave 2 for you later this week so will give you a heads up on the truck progress.
For those with the Collectors Editions of the core book - they have been upgraded to feature unique holographic numbering so your edition will be very special! The collectors editions also features a stylish black page edging to match the design of the book, this process is quite complex and takes longer to produce to ensure the highest quality as it can only be done once the book pages are printed. As a result they'll be the last to ship out of the factory but we expect them to arrive just as the Wave 1 shipments featuring the basic core book have completed shipping. The whole process is going to take about 2-3 weeks to get all the Wave 1 orders out. Once fulfilment starts we'll give you a heads up about how it's going to work so you know when to start expecting emails etc.
Finally, we've still got over 100 people who haven't paid their shipping (some haven't even filled in their address) and this has caused one of the delays in getting Wave 1 processed as it has complicated the data export. Rita has spent a huge amount of time manually messaging over 200 people trying to get their shipping sorted, however, anyone who has only paid their shipping in the last month will have their wave 1 shipment handled after we have completed the first planned shipment since we had to go through and remove these orders from the data until payments were made.
That's it for now, we'll be in touch later this week with more news.
Chris, Modiphius
Infinity Shipping Update & London Pickups
over 7 years ago
– Fri, Oct 06, 2017 at 01:25:21 AM
Hi everyone - the good news is that from Thursday next week we have the first of 1700 Wave 1 Infinity shipments going out.
Despite our best efforts there's a whole bunch of people who still haven't paid their shipping - these shipments will not be sent so if you think you might still owe something please login to Backerkit to check and and if you do contact us through [email protected] to organise payment.
The Core books are booked in to arrive in our warehouse on Wednesday next week. The Quickstarters arrived this week and look great, the Player's Guides arrived at our office on friday, which was nice but they should have gone to our warehouse, they then arrived at a bemused London roofing company who were kind enough to call us and let us know their guys were now creating Infinity characters on the rooftops of London! They should be finally re-routed to our warehouse for early next week.
Adventures in the Human Sphere should arrive towards the end of next week and orders including that will be the last to go out. Wave 1 shipping will take two weeks to complete so please be patient. We're not sending North American orders by seafreight (which would have taken an extra 6 weeks of shipping and 1 week of fulfilment) but by a special airfreight consolidation system at our extra cost - this can take up to 14 days. Once your order ships you'll get a confirmation email so please be patient. The process is finally underway next week but will take time due to the sheer volume of pledges to ship out. All the North American orders have to be actually packed, and labelled and shipped together so they don't go day by day.
PICKUPS FROM LONDON / ESSEN: You'll be able to book in with the office for pickups from the following monday 16th Oct so please email [email protected] to arrange a time with Lloyd to collect from the office if you're down for that. We're open from 9am until 7pm Monday through Friday for pickups.
If you want to collect items from us at Essen now's the time to let us know - this is for those without a Wave 1 shipment who would like to collect items.
Update on Wave 2 coming next week.
Chris, Modiphius
PREVIEW: Quantronic Heat & Adventures in the Human Sphere
over 7 years ago
– Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 09:12:07 PM
Hi there, both the 40 page bonus adventure Quantronic Heat (now 52 pages) and 116 page Adventures in the Human Sphere PDF's are now available to download from your Backerkit Accounts. Quantronic Heat is in the Core Book folder, Adventures in the Human Sphere is in its own folder and included in those who purchased this book in print or the PDF Master or Subscription pledges.
We're currently checking the print proofs on both with the printer so enjoy the adventures!
Chris, Modiphius
Shipping Imminent - Check your address!
over 7 years ago
– Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 01:37:11 AM
Hi everyone, Adventures in the Human Sphere (AHS) and Quantronic Heat (QH) were given the all clear to print by CB on Friday. The core book, collectors edition and players guide are already printing and expected into our warehouse at the end of this week.
AHS and QH are softbacks and usually can print within ten days - we've requested priority to get these turned around as fast as possible. Most Wave 1 shipments will only need the Quantronic Heat bonus adventure book so we'll try to get that in first and indeed it could be just a week if the proof gets signed off quickly.
Once the printer confirms the day we'll get the final two books back we can schedule in the fulfilment work with the warehouse and let you know when Wave 1 shipping will begin. To help speed things up from our end we took the decision to ship everything out worldwide from our UK warehouse instead of sending it to the US first by sea freight. This is quite a considerable cost to us but shaves off about 6 weeks of delay for North American backers. We'll be using a system that injects the shipments into the US postal service in bulk instead. This takes about an extra 10 days on top of normal postage but we'll let you know when things start to move.
Everyone on the editorial team has been burning themselves out getting this sorted over the last couple of weeks so we'll give them a week's breather and then get an update out on Wave 2 - things are moving fast and I know Gutier's been reviewing lots of content for the faction books.
More news on shipping soon, in the meantime if you're not 100% sure your address has been updated please check Backerkit. We don't want any of those packages going astray.
Chris, Modiphius
Infinity RPG - Final Address Check & Pledge Updates for Wave 1
over 7 years ago
– Sun, Sep 03, 2017 at 11:38:02 PM
Hi there, we're back from madness of GenCon where we picked up an amazing 7 Gold Ennies - 5 for Free League's Tales From the Loop (kids on bikes in the 80's fighting monsters and doing homework) for Best Game, Product of the Year, Best Internal Art, Best Writing & Best Supplement, 1 for Coriolis The Third Horizon ("Arabian Nights in space") for Judges Spotlight and 1, Best Miniatures for Achtung! Cthulhu Skirmish Servitors of Nyarlathotep Miniatures set. Quite a haul!
Now we've caught up on things after the trip we'll have a more detailed progress report on Wave 2 end of this coming week.
I've had confirmation that the Core book and Collectors Edition are due back from the printers by the 16th September so it's not far off shipping now. The Player's Guide is also printing. That just leaves the Quantronic Heat 40 page adventure which is in layout and Adventures in the Human Sphere which was just one missing piece of art before it goes to print this week. In the next update we'll have a video showing of a sample of the Bureau Noir Operatives Case.
For North American backers we have confirmed that to speed up delivery for you we're going to absorb the extra cost of shipping directly to you from the UK rather than putting stock on sea freight for another 6 week wait to the US local fulfilment company. This means when we start shipping mid September you'll be just days from getting your rewards. We'll give you a heads up when it's starting. This is quite a considerable cost for us but I feel it's the right thing to do.
Please use this time to make sure your address in Backerkit is correct - if not please email [email protected] with your Infinity Kickstarter info and the request no later than midnight on Friday 8th September.
If you're in Wave 1, or would like to be in Wave 1 this is your last chance to update your order. If you want to add something or add a Wave 1 shipment please email [email protected] with the request no later than midnight on Friday 8th September.
In other news our major RPG release Star Trek Adventures has also just completed it's pre-order and the first items are now starting to ship, and it will hit retail end of September along with the Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed of RPG. We're also starting a pre-order for the official Fallout: Wasteland Warfare miniatures game in a couple of weeks - you can find out more at
Don't miss our free PDF magazine Modiphia - issue 2 is out now and includes lots of articles about our games.