The official roleplaying game based on Corvus Belli's sci-fi skirmish game INFINITY
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Wave 2 Shipping Update and Cost of Greed PDF
almost 6 years ago
– Mon, Mar 11, 2019 at 11:51:35 PM
Hey Infinity fans, Sam here with big news on waves, shipping, and development.
Wave 2 Shipping Update
Due to stages of development and approval, I've made the decision to move a few products from Wave 2 to Wave 3 in terms of shipping. Development will continue as normal and it means we're shipping Wave 2 to backers very soon. Rita and Benn are preparing the data personally line by line over the next couple of weeks and GamesQuest will be fulfilling remaining Wave 2 orders in April.
With these changes in mind, here's what the product waves look like now:
Gamemaster Screen
Gamemaster Guide
0-12 Box
NPC card deck
Plot card deck
Location/Zone deck
Wilderness of Mirrors deck
Ariadna Faction Book
Haqqislam Faction Book
PanOceania Faction Book
Aleph Faction Book
Nomads Faction Book
Cost of Greed Scenarios
Yu Jing Faction Book
Paradiso World Book
Shadow Affairs Campaign Guide
War Market: Mercenaries
Tohaa Faction Book
Tactical Armoured Gears Book
Combined Army Faction Book
Ships of the Human Sphere
Technology of the Human Sphere
The 0-12 Files
Acheron Cascase Campaign Guide
Nebula of Mirrors
Development and Approvals
Approvals have progressed slowly, with only 1 chapter still with Corvus Belli for Yu Jing, with the Paradiso manuscript lined up behind it ready for CB to cast their eyes over it.
Other work has progressed with the campaigns, and faction guides in Wave 3. More detailed information will follow in the next update.
Cost of Greed Preview
By now you should have seen the low-res preview of the Cost of Greed print adventure drop into your backerkits, for you to check out! As ever, please send in your feedback with the subject heading COST OF GREED ERROR REPORT to [email protected] by the 15th March.
The PDF artwork is very low resolution to keep the file size down, so don't worry about pixelated artwork.
I hope you enjoy! If you have any questions about shipping or anything else about the Kickstarter please e-mail [email protected] as ever!
Until next time,
Sam, Head of RPG Development
ALEPH and Nomads Going to Print
about 6 years ago
– Fri, Feb 08, 2019 at 06:13:30 PM
Hey guys, Sam here again to give you an update on development progress! I'll keep it short this week, as we'll hopefully have a PDF preview for next time...
ALEPH and Nomad Supplements Going to the Printers
Thanks for your feedback on the Nomads supplement PDF preview! We've been making those changes, as well as some last minute changes Corvus Belli wanted us to make and with their approval we'll be delivering those final files to the printers shortly. That means both ALEPH and Nomad will be printed together, and be ready for fulfilment when we have them in stock!
Similarly, the Wilderness of Mirrors deck is having some last minute additions and changes before it goes into production.
Development Progress Report
Yu Jing sourcebook is slowly progressing through Corvus Belli approvals, then we'll go into layout. They are really busy at the moment and when I have clearer information I'll let you know more.
Cost of Greed layout is in hand, we're giving our new graphic designer feedback and it's my hope that we'll have a preview for you in time for the next update!
Paradiso final drafts have all been approved, we're just waiting for Yu Jing to be cleared before handing it over to Corvus Belli for approval.
Wave 3 items are all in early stages, from internal outlines of content to first drafts having been handed in.
That's it for this week, next time you hear from me in a couple of weeks I should have a shiny preview of the Cost of Greed adventure for you.
Until then,
Sam, Head of RPG Development
about 6 years ago
– Mon, Jan 21, 2019 at 07:09:32 PM
We'll soon be shipping another batch of books for the Infinity roleplaying game. Could you please check your Backerkit (Infinity) address. If it has changed and you HAVE NOT informed us please send an updated address to [email protected] by next 9am Monday 28th January. Please use the subject 'CHANGE OF ADDRESS' and remember to say which Kickstarter it's for!
Rita has been really working hard looking after all of you over the last couple of years to ensure your shipments get to you correctly so please take a moment to check carefully if you're address is old and needs updating. She is personally checking every order at the moment and it's taking days so maybe send a nice message too :-)
REMEMBER PLEASEdon't just send your address anyway as she is updating the orders by hand since the data has already been downloaded and sorted.This is ONLY if you have changed your address and realised you have not told us!
Thanks a lot!
Nomad PDF Preview and January Fulfilment
about 6 years ago
– Fri, Jan 11, 2019 at 11:20:57 PM
Sam here again, giving you the first update of 2019!
Nomad PDF Preview
First of all, thank you for your feedback on the ALEPH PDF preview, we're making corrections now and getting that ready for print. We'll also be dropping the Nomad supplement PDF preview, for all backers who pledged for it, on Monday! Watch out for that, and get any proofing errors back to [email protected] with the subject "NOMAD ERROR REPORT" by 25th January.
PanOceania Supplement & Fulfilment
We've had the PanOceania supplement delivered by the printers and we're really pleased with how it turned out! Here's some pictures of the beautiful matt finish and vivid colours!
We'll be fulfilling all outstanding orders that contain PanOceania and other in stock items later this month! If your pledge contained PanOceania as well as any wave 1 items, as well as the GM Screen, Bureau Noir Boxed set, NPC deck, Plot deck, Location/Zone deck, Ariadna faction book, or Haqqislam, then your order will be shipped!
Development Progress Report
Wilderness of Mirrors Deck is almost ready to go to print.
ALEPH sourcebook is ready for print, we'll be printing this together with the Nomads book once we've caught any final errors and taken in your reports.
Yu Jing sourcebook is still with Corvus Belli for approvals, we're waiting for them, but 4 of the chapters are edited and ready for layout.
Cost of Greed is ready for layout and we'll begin that shortly while we bring in a new graphic designer.
Paradiso final drafts are lined up for our internal review before heading over to Corvus Belli for approval.
Wave 3 items are all in early stages, from internal outlines of content to first drafts having been handed in.
That's it for now, we'll have more solid information about fulfilment once our warehouse has confirmed the booked dates for dispatch.
Thanks for your patience again, if you have any questions you can always reach out to [email protected]
Sam, Head of RPG Development
about 6 years ago
– Tue, Dec 11, 2018 at 12:43:18 AM
Hi guys, Sam here again keeping you up to date with everything going on in the Human Sphere!
PDF Preview of ALEPH sourcebook
The layout of the ALEPH sourcebook has been approved by Corvus Belli, and you should already have an invite to preview and submit your feedback! Please check your Backerkit if you have it as part of your pledge!
Please submit feedback to us at [email protected] with the subject heading “ALEPH ERROR REPORT”. We know about the two white pages at the front, they’ll be filled with art later. You have until December 21st!
Sample spread
Sample spread
Wave 2 Updates
Nomads supplement - ready for post-layout, pre-approval checks before we send that onto Corvus Belli for their approval.
Cost of Greed - ready for layout
Yu Jing supplement – Four chapters are approved and in editing, the rest will follow as they’re approved.
Wilderness of Mirrors deck – feedback is now closed, we’ll make the amendments then release the finals and get them printed!
Look forward to the preview of Nomads following soon and others to follow on swiftly from that!
January Fulfilment
We have a planned shipment of in stock items from January 14th with our warehouse for all pledges that are completed with the arrival of PanOceania, and ALEPH and the WOM deck if we can turn them around in time.
Any questions, please get in touch via [email protected], until the next update I hope you enjoy the ALEPH preview and the releases so far.