Adventures in the Human Sphere PREVIEW
over 7 years ago
– Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 12:05:35 AM
Hi all I've just added previews of the various chapters of the Adventures in the Human Sphere book to your Backerkit accounts. There's one chapter still going through approvals with CB and the chapters have a few gaps for art but please dive in and do your worst to find any weird or missing rules, grammar and spelling errors etc. As usual please report them to [email protected] and try to get them in by the morning of 17th August, one week from now. We'll follow up with the final chapter once it's approved.
The player's guide has now gone to print and whilst we complete the last elements of wave 1, wave 2 is a go.
Outlines have received solid notes from Gutier and Drafts arriving in earnest. Three excellent developers are working with the line manager to bring the Wave 2 texts to completion. This means that while one prioritises the faction guides another can look at Campaigns and another can sort out the various GM tools, all while being under the watchful eyes of our line manager and Corvus Belli.
Next week we're at GenCon so we'll update you when we get back with delivery dates.
Enjoy the adventures!
Chris, Modiphius
Collectors Edition & Players Guide Final PDF's
over 7 years ago
– Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 07:26:07 PM
Hi there the final PDF files for the Collector's Edition and the Player's Guide have been uploaded to your Backerkit Accounts. Remember both include bonus content at the end and if you're getting 'All the PDF's' you also get access to both, and corebook pledges also get access to the Player's Guide. We now have a short proof reading period before we go to print with the Collector's Edition bonus content so do check the bonus content to see if you spot anything weird. We would need feedback by Sunday night to [email protected]
The Player's Guide has more time for proofreading as it will be a softback so please provide feedback by end of next week - sunday 6th August. As before send error reports to [email protected]
We're keeping the development team focused on completing approvals with Corvus Belli on the Adventures in the Human Sphere and bonus adventure book Quantronic Heat so once those are fully put to bed we'll have a more detailed update on Wave 2. We should have a delivery date from the printers for the core book and collector's edition next week.
We are pushing through some items as priority - the GM Screen will start work in layout shortly which would mean any orders just waiting on that would be able to ship soon after Wave 2.
Chris, Modiphius
Print Update
over 7 years ago
– Fri, Jul 07, 2017 at 07:28:49 PM
Hi everyone, as of last night, all error checks on the Corebook and Collector’s edition were concluded. This means that both of the wave 1 Hardbacks will be going to Press on Monday 10 July.
The Players guide and Quickstart are going through a final post layout review before they’re shared with the community for backer review
Adventures in the Human Sphere now has 2 adventures in pre-layout approvals 2 adventures going through layout and 1 adventure in post layout review.
Wave 1 is nearing completion with the main hardback going to print (which will around 5 weeks). But we’re not going to share a completion date for wave 1 today. Confidence is not certainty and rather than give a date that might need to be revised as we go through final approvals we’re going to hold back a final date until all of core is in a Print ready state or even better Printed and arriving at the warehouse.
We have an expectation that mid next week we’ll receive the printer’s digital proofs for the core and collector’s editions. At that point, we’ll confirm the copy and then the factory will go to work. Timing is crucial at this point. Wave 1 needs to have the full attention of the editing team and at this point we’re going to go quiet. Preparing individual chapters for preview does actually slow down the delivery of the whole book so we're going to give the development team the space to crack on and complete the final parts of the Adventures book and the 40 page bonus adventure so please bear with us as we won't be sharing individual chapters of the Adventures book.
The next update will be to say that the factory is printing the corebooks and to remind you to update your addresses. We will let you have the very final digital copy of the core book and collectors edition at this point too. Even if you have told us about a move previously its worth checking that it’s been changed correctly - do go and check your Backerkit account to make sure first.
Wave 2 is already underway. The first Faction book is awaiting Corvus belli feedback before the writer can get a polished draft prepared. We’re deliberately holding back the other faction writers so that any comments from Corvus can be presented to writers early on rather than have Corvus belli repeat comments. But this is just the faction writers. Our dedicated equipment writers are already underway writing up all the material that had to be cut from the core and liaising with faction writers to see what new gear is in need of development. Our dedicated Lifepath writer is already at work to create dedicated lifepaths for alien and hybrid lifeforms for example.
Once Wave 1 is all at the printers and the CB have given their full review of the first Faction book we're going to work on a realistic estimate with them of how we can manage the progress on Wave 2. We're also looking at who has which books and how we can prioritise completion of books to maximise the number of shipments that get sent out asap.
Thanks again for all the patience
Chris, Modiphius
Final Approval Core Book!
over 7 years ago
– Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 11:41:47 PM
Hi guys I've just added the version 8.3 core book to your Backerkit accounts to check out. This is pretty much the final version with well over 2000 amendments made. We've updated artwork, graphic borders and headers, tightened it up and much more.
Please submit error reports by end of play friday to [email protected] so we can incorporate any final corrections. We still have a few tweaks to make in the background but this will give you a few days to give it a solid check. Plan is to have a final proof reading version on Friday for internal checks before sending the file to the printers on monday. We will have a digital proof back from the printer in a few days at which point we can make any last minute corrections.
Massive thanks to the team for spending very long hours getting this done for us.
Chris, Modiphius
Infinity Core Book Final Approval
over 7 years ago
– Sat, Jun 17, 2017 at 12:11:09 AM
Hi everyone the big news is that the complete Infinity corebook is with Corvus Belli for final approval. Once they sign off we'll get it to backers for final comments as we prep for printing.
At the same time as core is being prepped for print, layout is also taking place on the Player's Guide and additional components of the Collector's Edition. Justin is wrapping up Quantronic Heat 40 page bonus adventure, which is also heading to approval. Artwork is complete and approved except for 2 outstanding maps, which means that it'll be straight into layout also.
The final push for Core slowed up Adventures in the Human Sphere slightly, however we've added another approved adventure 'Varuna - The Breaking of a Wave' to the core book folder in Backerkit for you to check out.
Set on the ocean world of Varuna, this adventure will draw the players into an insidious plot that could ultimately lead to explosive repercussions for Pan Oceania and Yu Jing.
Silkworm (another adventure in the book)
Hopeful farmhands stand in line at a checkpoint as they wait to find out if they have been selected for the day's work cycle. Bourak's arid climes can force desperate measures in the search for sustenance.
Wave 2 content continues apace, next week we'll aim to have an update purely about Wave 2, please bear with us and we'll get more details on the status of each book and item.
Enjoy the weekend
Chris, Modiphius