
Corvus Belli's INFINITY Roleplaying Game

Created by Chris Birch, Modiphius

The official roleplaying game based on Corvus Belli's sci-fi skirmish game INFINITY

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Core Book Proofing Update & Adventure Preview
over 7 years ago – Sat, Jun 10, 2017 at 07:04:12 PM

Hi folks the cycle of correcting proof reader errors and auditing the corrections has taken a lot lot longer than we thought but is almost complete. Thomas the layout designer has been working long hours to get the final version of the core book to Corvus Belli on Tuesday for a final check over (as they've meticulously approved each chapter this should be a fast process). 

This all means that other components for Wave 1 are now concluding; Justin the line manager is delving into Quantronic Heat the free bonus 40 page adventure before moving over to help Marc the assistant line manager with the Adventures in the Human Sphere. These adventures are now rolling through approval with Gutier since he no longer needs to prioritise the core book. The most recent adventure to be signed off is Fallen Angel, which can be found in the core book folder as a bonus for review in your Backerkit Account

Here is another piece of artwork from the adventure Breaking of a Wave

Spoiler text: A submersible passes below a Lilypad; one of the many floating organic platforms on Varuna. Cultivated by Helots, Lilypads are coral-like growths that are sometimes used as community hubs by the Ateks.

With the core book close to going to print there will be a surge of activity as team members are freed up to complete the rest of Wave 1 whilst it's printing so we have everything ready to ship when the core book returns from the printers.

Wave 2 is also progressing, with plenty of work taking place to shape the sourcebooks. Expect more updates on this once Wave 1 is fully into approvals. 

In the meantime Modiphius has launched the pre-order for Star Trek Adventures which also uses the 2d20 system. As the variety of games grows that use the 2d20 system we will soon be launching our community portal where we'll be encouraging you to post variant rules, stats, adventure ideas, NPC's, and much more for the Infinity, Conan, Mutant Chronicles, John Carter of Mars and Star Trek Adventures RPG's (as well as numerous other games we're involved in). You will be able to vote on the best ideas with us publishing the community choice in our quarterly Modiphia magazine and the writers getting prizes. So in the meantime get thinking!

Enjoy the weekend

Chris, Modiphius

PREVIEW: 0-12 Missions Architect & Core Book Error Correction Update
over 7 years ago – Wed, May 31, 2017 at 11:35:49 PM

Hi guys here's a progress report on the Corebook

 – As of last night we were 80% through the final error log and it's still ongoing - the team are aiming to wrap by Friday. Once this is complete we’ll be sending to Corvus Belli for final approval. We’ll still be grinding away at proof reading but the file will be materially ready and with CB’s blessing we’ll be delivering this to you. Our office team is away at UK Games Expo from tomorrow morning for four days and the web connection is going to be intermittent so if anything changes whilst we're away there maybe a delay getting word out but we'll do our best. 

Due to the large volume of the error log we've also had an editor auditing the corrections to make sure they're all done - this is still ongoing and will continue once the completed PDF goes to Corvus Belli and you for final checks. 

Adventures in the Human Sphere the other major book in Wave 1 aside from the Players Guide and Collector's Edition is now being lined up for Corvus approval. As the Corebook has highest priority we’re trying to send a couple of adventures over while the last 20% of the Corebook error log is worked on. This way we can get the drafts over to you guys for preview. Behind this is the other Wave 1 book the Bonus 40 page adventure which will be done last as it's the quickest to finish and print. 

0-12 Missions Architect & Faction Handler PREVIEW

In the Corebook folder in Backerkit you'll find the preview of the 14 page Infinity plot generator which will help you create some really inspirational  stories. The 0-12 Missions Architect comes with a lot of guidance and cool mission generator tables and along with the Faction Handler (updated preview PDF also included) is a great suite of tools for the GM. This is part of the bonus printed content in the Collector's Edition. 

Wave 2 is under way and our expanded line management team (Marc the line manager who just completed 17 books in the Mutant Chronicles range is now focusing on Wave 2 for us) are now split between getting Wave 1 finished and making sure Wave 2 writers are progressing and have what they need. Once we get the core book off to print we're going to review the schedule with CB and try to give everyone a more realistic schedule for Wave 2 and what the possible delays are likely to be. We will  prioritise some books in Wave 2 to arrive sooner to allow the most shipments to go out a early as possible. Things like the GM Guide and GM Screen will be amongst those priorities. The 0-12 boxed set will arrive alongside the core book as we've moved production to Europe to speed things up. 

That's it for today

Chris, Modiphius

Core Book Last Stages
almost 8 years ago – Thu, May 25, 2017 at 03:18:31 PM

Hi everyone

I just wanted to give you an update on the final stages of the core book. I was mistaken on thinking the layout team were on the final stages of the corrections they were actually finishing the first half, there was actually another 2000 - yes you guys and our proof readers where overwhelmed by the level of feedback - so much so we're bringing in a new method of reporting errors in the future to avoid these kinds of delays. There's literally hundreds of pages of notes, comments on KS pages, emails - ranging from a few words to pages of comments that someone has to go through. Of course a lot of these are duplicates, commentary or other notes that perhaps weren't so relevant but we're going through every single item to make sure they're all caught. 

The layout designer Thomas has about 3 or 4 days left to go and as each section is fixed it goes to our editor Colleen who's checking the errors have been done. We're aiming to have the correct PDF ready for print on next wednesday. We'll be sending it out to you as well as sending to Corvus Belli for their final approval and it will then go to the printers who will send back digital proofs. This gives us a final fews days in case you spot anything else. It's going to be about as near damn perfect as we can get it. 

The same day we'll be sending out the final PDF for the Collector's Edition and a few days later the Player's Guide which has an edited version of the rules sections. In the meantime the Adventures in the Human Sphere documents are gradually making their way through development and approvals however the team are 100% focused on getting the errors done for the core book first. Here's a couple of images from it. 

The well-armed and well-guarded HQ of Futuretech in the upper atmosphere of Venus from Day After Tomorrow - the Sol adventure inside Adventures in the Human Sphere:

An image of the Celestial Reliquary near The Forbidden city, a tranquil temple that is open to the public most of the year round. Taken from the Yu Jing adventure in Adventures in the Human Sphere.


Chris, Modiphius 

Surprise Chapter! UK Games Expo Pickups
almost 8 years ago – Fri, May 19, 2017 at 11:42:11 PM

Hi guys we listened to you and have pulled in an edited vehicles section to the Action Scenes chapter which has literally just been approved by CB. You can now download and preview in the Core Book folder in Backerkit. This includes some typical vehicle stats to get you going including TAGS!

This means the edits to the character lifepath are no longer needed as they're now valid for this section. We will be expanding on the vehicles rules in the Gamesmaster book and you will be finding vehicle and TAG stats in all forthcoming supplements linked to factions. 

We will have the final book for you next week for final proofing before we go to print. Most of the error log has been completed but they need a little more time. In the next update we'll be sharing updates for the Adventures book, player's guide and bonus 40 page adventure from Wave 1 (and plan to send out some updated adventures for you to preview) along with the estimated shipping date. 


We're at the UK Games Expo in Birmingham in two weeks. If you'd like to pick up your miniatures, dice, tokens, fabric or poster maps please email us by monday 22nd May to [email protected] with the heading UKGE INFINITY PICKUP

Enjoy the weekend!

Chris, Modiphius

PREVIEW: Nomad Chapter - the last corebook chapter!
almost 8 years ago – Fri, May 12, 2017 at 10:23:03 PM

Hi everyone the Nomad chapter is signed off and ready to download in the core book folder in Backerkit. Please grab it and giving it a good read to see if you can spot any errors or issues. We're currently building the full book file with the introduction, credits, index and credits etc as well as some other tweaks based on your feedback to improve it. We have one more set of error logs to integrate whilst you proof read Nomads. As soon as the full build is ready we'll send it out for a final check over. 

Please submit error reports below in the comments or send them to [email protected] by Tuesday midnight!

Enjoy the weekend! 

Chris, Modiphius