PREVIEW: CB Original Character Art & Production Update
about 8 years ago
– Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 09:08:33 PM
Hi everyone here's that promised Wednesday update. Today we have an awesome preview of two pieces of art specifically commissioned by the team at Corvus Belli to show their original characters from the first RPG games they played in the Infinity universe. This will appear in the Original Corvus Belli Character PDF which includes their game stats.
Here's the first one, the Ship Crash image featuring from Left to right
- Hashim Ibn Hamza (Haqqislam)
- Jose Angel Pacheco (PanOceania)
- Carlota Kowalsky (Nomads)
- Aleksei Nemov (Nomad) and companion robot
- Ichabod Angelico ad Ponte (PanOceania)
Here's the Hangar Assault image featuring from left to right by row
Top row
- Bran do Castro (Nomad) (top)
Middle row
- Pavel McMannus (Ariadna)
- Corvo Goldstein (O-12}
- Vasily Plushenko (Ariadna)
Bottom row
- Armand Le Muet (Mercenary)
- Santiago Gonzaga (Criminals)
Things have been moving along in the background this week though the team stumbled across a couple of problems and I think it's important to share both the good and bad as we go. This hasn't affected the schedule, just the ability to get previews ready for today, but as they come we'll still share them.
Firstly a continuity error in the Backer Stories accidentally introduced during the revision, secondly they discovered a problem with the equipment in the Adversaries chapter that required a couple of major problems in the Gear chapter to be sorted out.
I know we've given various estimated dates for completion of the core book and failed to hit them due to delays within the development team, re-writes and approvals. It's as frustrating for us as it is for you to see those dates come and go and my apologies for not acknowledging some of those points. Now with the enlarged team we have managed to recruit over the last months we're a lot more confident about dates, I won't promise that everything will go smoothly as you just never know but we'll do our best and will keep you informed with these weekly updates.
Core Book
- Gear: Revised Gear chapter will be delivered to Corvus Belli for final approval by Friday. Most of our work this week has been focused on revising and enhancing these chapters to ensure both canon compatibility and easy utility at the gaming table. Incorporating all of the valuable feedback we’ve gotten from you as KS backers is time consuming, but invaluable.
- Backer Art Characters: Part 1 and Part 2 in editing. Part 3 in final approvals. You may have noticed that many of the pieces of short fiction for these characters feature an interwoven and overlapping narrative. Our other major project this week has been ironing out a complicated continuity error that had been inadvertently introduced while the stories were being revised.
- Adversaries: Complete. If the Backer Art Characters haven’t cleared approvals by the end of the week, we have a backup plan for sliding these into layout independently to keep things moving.
- Ariadna, Nomads, Dawn, Human Edge, Combined Army – Revision Required by our team (not CB). As noted in the last update, we’ll be mopping these up once we get the blockage of 100+ pages of Adversaries and Gear into layout.
Wave 1:
- Quantronic Heat (Part 1 revised, Parts 2 and 3 in review).
- Original Corvus Belli Characters (PDF only). Preliminary layout complete. The images we thought had been delayed appeared by surprise yesterday and are in this update! We'll be updating the PDF layout to send out.
- Quickstart: Final proofreading corrections complete to bring it up to date with the core book. In final review.
- Player’s Guide: Content is based on final core book player content. Additional content: Tabletop Conversion Rules (layout implementing final proofreading corrections), RPG Miniature Stats (layout complete; in layout).
- Adventures in the Human Sphere: Revisions continue, as described in the last update.
- Dire Foes Adventure Book - In development, we’re aiming to bring this forward to Wave 1 to enable earlier shipment of backers just waiting on this and miniatures sets.
We'll have more info on Wave 2 in the next update since the team we're overtaken with the issues on the Adversaries & Gear chapter this week.
Chris, Modiphius
PREVIEW Tile Sets, Tohaa & Mercs Update plus Production Update
about 8 years ago
– Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 10:18:33 PM
Hi everyone, I'm sorry for the radio silence this last week as I promised an update that didn't appear and I know how frustrating this can be with all the delays. I was really swamped with a heavy workload of very urgent admin and accounts and kept meaning to do the update. To make sure this doesn't happen again we will be producing a weekly update from next Wednesday which will be live no later than 7pm UK time on each Wednesday. We'll run this until the core book is shipping and then review things so we're not spamming people.
So what's happening?
We're trying hard to ensure we have the final core book in approved final PDF by the end of March for you, ready to go to print. Discussing with the team everyone seems confident with the status of the final sections that this can be done.
Is this realistic? We believe so as we've brought on more people with a lot of knowledge of the Infinity universe to help us second guess what the team at CB might not like and more people to help process documents needing revision or review and we now have more layout people to help with the final push (and Wave 2 etc). We've had a major bottle neck of the Gear & Adversaries chapters that have really slowed things down however they're very close to clearing which frees people up to focus on the other final small outstanding sections.
Whilst I was buried in paperwork the team have been very busy and we have quite a lot to share today.
The download links to the Preview sets of the following:
Paradiso Geomorphic Tile Set
- Combined Army Geomorphic Tiles Set
...have been added to Backerkit accounts of backers with the tiles in their pledges, as Physical Tiles Add On's or with the PDF Subscription or PDF Subscription Upgrade. Please check your digital downloads for download links. This is over 300MB of print files and the large tiles have been split over two pages (for example F004A and F004B) for ease of printing.
If you think you should have them and don't see them in your Backerkit Digital Downloads please contact [email protected].
PLEASE NOTE: These are the pre-print versions without the movement spaces and we welcome your feedback in the comments or to the email address above so we can improve the sets before they go to print. We'll send out the version with movement spaces next.
Your Backerkit Core book downloads have been updated with new versions of the Tohaa and Mercs chapters with updated content based on new material from CB.
Infinity Tohaa Planet.pdf (including new Sygmaa Trihedron content)
Infinity Mercs Faction lo.pdf (including new Famous Bounty Hunters content)
In addition we'd added another preview for Bostria Art Master backers of the next set of characters that have been approved by CB for the core book - this is the document name for you to check out:
- Core Part 5.2C - Bostria Art Master Characters v4.2 - Phoenix Industries Story [JA-Gutier notes].doc
Here's a detail update on production and development for Waves 1 and 2, this now includes notes on Artwork development as well now.
- The fabric maps of Paradiso and the Human Sphere are due in 9 days
- The poster maps of Paradiso and the Human Sphere are due in 9 days
Any orders waiting on just these items will start to ship in 2 weeks (alongside the dice, minis and tokens)
Core Book:
- Backer Art Characters: Part 1 in editing. Part 2 approved for Preview release. Part 3 finishing requested revisions
- Gear: Tech review completed. Making final corrections before CB revision approval. Our review with the new team identified corrections and updates that needed to be made which slowed down the Gear layout however the end result will be worth it.
- Ariadna, Nomads, Dawn, Human Edge, Combined Army - Revision Required. These are relatively small sections for layout. These have not shown progress as the team have been focused on getting the massive Gear and Adversaries chapters done (which have been painful but needed the most attention), once complete these small sections will go fast.
- Adversaries - Complete, awaiting final Bostria Art Master approvals (final part due) plus 2 pieces of art (detailed below)
- Gamesmaster Chapter - Draft complete, in review and due to approvals.
Core Book Artwork - We're just waiting on 7 images for the whole book now.
- Dawn: 1 image and 1 map in-progress (map just needs tweaks when Dawn approved). Image almost complete.
- Gear: 2 images in-progress.
- Adversaries: 2 images (both creatures) - awaiting approval of briefs - artists are ready to go.
- Backer Art: 1 revised image awaiting approval
Wave 1:
- Quantronic Heat (Part 1 revised, Parts 2 and 3 in review). Art: 4 images in progress. 10 maps: 3 sent for approval, other 7 in-progress (these are quick to create)
- Original Corvus Belli Characters (PDF only). Text complete. 2 images in-progress featuring lineup of the CB characters which is being briefed by CB themselves to ensure it matches each person's vision of their characters. Expected mid-March as artist commissioned by CB has been very ill.
- Quickstart Adventure complete in PDF. Rules section complete in layout implementing final proofreading corrections). Artwork complete.
- Player’s Guide: Content is based on final core book player content. Additional content: Tabletop Conversion Rules (layout implementing final proofreading corrections), RPG Miniature Stats (in layout). Artwork complete
- Adventures in the Human Sphere: The first revised drafts are cycling back into approvals with Corvus Belli this week. The rest are in various states of review and revision with Justin, Kyle, and the authors. We expect all adventures to be approved by the end of February. ARTWORK: 5 images approved, 2 images in revision, 1 sketch approved by CB, 3 images awaiting sketches. Maps for each adventure now briefing.
Wave 2:
The NPC, Plot, Wilderness of Mirrors, and Locations Decks are now in development as they tie in with artwork requirement for Wave 2 books.
Gear, Lifepath and Adversaries are in development in one big block for all of the Wave 2 books - this will massively speed up the development for these books.
The GM Screen content is being compiled with the completion of the Core Book, but requires the 32 page booklet bonus adventre. This content will be prioritised once Wave 1 content is complete but a draft is in process.
The PanOceania and Haqqislam faction books have 75% of artwork briefs complete and approved by CB with the final 25% to come. Nomad and Ariadna books are currently going through development and approvals.
That's it for today, regardless of the weekly Wednesday updates we'll send out approved PDF's as soon as they're ready so you can help feedback on them.
Content Update, Character Sheets & Adventure Competition
about 8 years ago
– Mon, Feb 06, 2017 at 05:31:43 PM
Hi there, a quick content update this morning. In your Backerkit account you'll find
- The Corporations PDF has been revised with Corporate logos and hybercorp info
- The Submondo PDF has been revised with expansions of Struktura and Eco-Aktion
- Preview doc of the Bostria Art Master Characters - Part 1 of 3 (fresh out of final approval from Corvus Belli)
This PDF below is in both core book and Player's Guide folders (for those with just the player's guide):
- The laid out version of the final Tabletop Conversion rules so you can start testing out your RPG creations in an actual miniatures game of Infinity.
Now that the expanded team has been working for a couple of weeks we'll have a more detailed update on the Wave 1 printing and Wave 2 development this week.
Character Sheets
Big thanks to Tom Shartle and Jason MacDougall for their work on the character sheets which can be downloaded at the bottom of our Infinity webpage. There is a standard version and a Hacker variant along with form-fillable versions. Let us know which one you prefer in the comments below?
Adventure Competition
We're running a competition for the community and everyone can join in. We're looking for some adventure pitches for Infinity. Maximum 500 words - give us a title, a synopsis and an outline of the story and plot. The best submission will win $100 credit to spend on games plus we'll work with the winner to have the adventure written up and included in a new free online magazine by Modiphius and all backers will receive it. Two runners up will win $50 to spend in the Modiphius store or Infinity Kickstarter. The competition is open to all backers of the Kickstarter and closes on March 1st so get creative! Please send submissions to [email protected] marked Infinity Adventures
PREVIEW: Circular File & Deck Plans, Lhosts, New Art, & Fabric Maps video
about 8 years ago
– Wed, Feb 01, 2017 at 09:40:59 PM
Hi everyone the fabric maps are due to arrive shortly and I wanted to show you examples of both the Paradiso and Human Sphere maps so you can see the size and quality. Check out this video:
In today's update you'll find four new files in the Core Book folder of Backerkit including some cool deck plans for miniatures, there are several others due to preview imminently. The increased team is having a big impact on the speed of submissions and review and you'll start to see the effect of this more and more over the coming weeks.
Shentang-Yutang: Updated version with additional material to plug some gaps in content
Lhosts: Draft of additional material for the Gear chapter, previously unseen by backers and just approved by Corvus Belli.
Circular File: A brand new adventure scenario PDF freshly approved by CB which will be the new adventure in the Quickstart. We hope you enjoy this - it includes a custom set of floor tiles developed just for this adventure - see below.
Circular File Deckplans: A set of 5 large ship deckplans over 10 pages of a PDF. Just print them off, cut them up and get ready to fight your way through a spaceship or reused for a secret facility! These are in their own folder within the Core Book folder.
* * * *
The Egypt Preservation image:
PDF Core Book Chapters Being Revised:
- Corporations (adding additional content on Hypercorps; in layout)
- Mercenaries (adding additional content on Famous Bounty Hunters; in layout)
- Submondo (adding additional content on Struktura and Eco-Aktion; in layout)
- Tohaa (adding additional content on Sygmaa Trihedron; waiting final approval from CB)
- Backer Art Chapter: First batch of stories is with CB for final approval. Second and third batch finishing up revisions based on CB Feedback.
- Gear: Gideo, Mark and Jeremy part of our new review team are co-ordinating a detailed tech review on this for final corrections since it's such an essential chapter.
The Chameleon Scout image:
Wave 1:
- Quantronic Heat (second draft in review of the free 40 page adventure) -
- Original Corvus Belli RPG Characters (initial layout complete, in proofreading)
- Quickstart (Rules Section - final proofreading)
- Collector's Edition: Plot Generator (draft completed as of this week, in review)
- Player's Guide: Tabletop Conversion Rules (in approvals with CB)
- Player's Guide: RPG Miniature Stats (in layout)
- Fabric Maps - due for delivery next week, video above
- Double-sided poster maps - due for delivery next week.
Adventures in the Human Sphere: New team member Kyle is assisting Justin reviewing changes required for the adventures, artwork is due in shortly from Zoe our second main art director who was recruited before Christmas. She was working on art directing the 40k RPG and Star Wars RRPG artwork for FFG beforehand.
Wave 2: Another Modiphius regular writer who worked on the Mutant Chronicles line Josh Vogt is assisting with preparation for Wave 2 to help us get the Backer character and Dire Foes backer scenes ready. More on Wave 2 soon.
Other 2d20 System Projects
The final stage of the Conan RPG development has gone incredible fast and the Core book and the first adventure book Jeweled Thrones of the Earth have now been released in PDF. If you'd like to see how to do brutal swords and sorcery with the 2d20 system this is a great way to get started.
Star Trek Adventures - We're progressing well with the Star Trek Adventures playtest - if you'd like to join the living campaign playtest you can still sign up here.
Hope you enjoy the new Infinity files and we'll follow up soon with more PDF's
Chris, Modiphius
Bonus PDF codes & New Art
about 8 years ago
– Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 12:15:33 AM
Hi guys last night DriveThruRPG sent out discount codes for us to give you all a $20 bonus PDF from our catalogue as thanks for being so patient with the delay. A few people got an extra set of codes which were subsequently cancelled and the correct code sent so sorry about the confusion.
We also added another bonus making the total value of the bonus $40! - when Modiphius first started we did a Kickstarter for the Achtung! Cthulhu universe - a mad vision of World War Two where the Nazi's are trying to ally with the forces of the Cthulhu mythos. You play members of Section M or the US Majestic secret agencies, or simply heroes fighting the Secret War against these terrifying forces.
So in a second email you will have got another code to download the Achtung! Cthulhu Fate Guide to the Secret War. We produced the entire series for the Call of Cthulhu and Savage Worlds rules but also created a FATE Core version of the core book. The Fate Core rules are downloadable as 'Pay what you want' on DriveThru here: - this will give you a taste for our very own Achtung! Cthulhu universe and along with the rules you can have a complete playable bonus game from us as thanks :-) If you like this then you can find 12 more books in the RPG line expanding on the universe, each with stats for both Call of Cthulhu and Savage Worlds (so you just need either of those systems core rules books) plus there's a whole line of miniatures, fiction, boardgames, merchandise and more.
If there was a problem with your codes please contact DriveThruRPG's customer support. The codes are valid until February 1st so please use them soon!
Okay time for some Infinity action! Here's some new art including weapons:
Ariadna Pistol
Haqqislam Pistol
Yu Jing Pistol
Production Update
There's a new production update being put together and we have a brand new adventure laid out for you - from the revised Quickstart Guide. CB are approving it at the moment to send out asap
Hope you enjoy your bonus, thanks again for being so patient, I hope this shows we really appreciate your support for making the Infinity RPG as damn near perfect as it can be.
Chris, Modiphius