The official roleplaying game based on Corvus Belli's sci-fi skirmish game INFINITY
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Payments & Next Steps
over 9 years ago
– Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 07:08:47 AM
Hi all, if your payment has problems going through you might need to let your bank know that it's an overseas payment. Try calling them tomorrow - Kickstarter will try taking the Payment every couple of days for two weeks.
After that if there's still an issue we can use our webstore or paypal to take the payment.
NEXT STEPS. As Kickstarter only knows what Pledge you chose we'll be inviting you to a Pledge Manager called Backerkit in a couple of weeks time (once it's set up properly). In Backerkit you will have the total Pledge as credit and much like a webstore you'll select all the Add On's you wanted to use up the credit.
You can also choose extra Add Ons, or even change what you selected, as well as changing your Pledge or upgrading it and of course paying for any shipping owed. Backerkit will take card payments and we can take Paypal payments and credit your account. You'll have till about mid - December to make changes and then we will lock down Backerkit so we can export the data and start planning the fulfilment.
We will use Backerkit to deliver the PDF's of books and other items as they're finished. We usually send out previews of almost ready PDF's so you can help with proof reading. Final PDF's will be sent out via DriveThruRPG.
We'll give you a heads up over the coming weeks with totals raised, new art and other cool stuff to check out as it's completed and plenty of notice about deadlines.
Catch up soon!
Chris, Modiphius
3000 Backer, £300,000 BONUS - Character App UNLOCKED!
over 9 years ago
– Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 08:11:17 AM
Hi everyone, can't believe we're so close to the end - been quite a month! We're very close to unlocking the War Market: Mercenaries Book at £305,000 but it's time to unveil some of the big exciting bonuses we've reached!
3000 BACKERS BONUS! Four awesome unlocks!
Player's Guide - Another 8 Pages of Content (making a total of 32 extra pages)
Bureau Noir Operatives Case - We're adding the NPC Card Deck to the box!
GM Screen - We're adding PDF's of all unlocked Geo-morphic Tiles & Card Decks
Shadow Affairs Campaign - We're boosting this to 192 pages from 112!
£300,000 BONUS! Another four unlocks!
Bureau Noir Operatives Case - We're adding the Plot Deck to the box!
GM Screen - We're adding the Double-sided Poster Map & a 32 Page Adventure featuring some tabletop Infinity scenarios with maps using the tile sets for GM Screen. You can use them as simple rpg maps or set them up and use them with minis
Online Character Generator - We're commissioning an online character generator App which will walk you through the Lifepath to easily create multiple characters and export them in a PDF. It will start with the core book and then be upgraded to include new faction book options as they are released. Have a look at the Mutant Chronicles version here to see what it will be like (it's still in testing)
Dire Foes Pledgers - We're adding all the unlocked printed Card Decks, Tiles and GM Screen to your pledge, plus the O-12 Box itself to put your items in and the GM Dice Set!
MORE DIRE FOES! I'm now unlocking 5 more Dire Foes Pledges
PLEDGE CONTENTS? We updated the Pledge Contents graphic so hopefully this is clearer for you as to what's in each pledge. If you have any questions please ask, and don't worry if you're still undecided about upgrading, you'll be able to upgrade your pledge, or choose new add on's in the Pledge Manager and you'll have till mid December to upgrade.
Note this table doesn't take in to account the bonuses unlocked above
That's it until the next unlock...
Chris, Modiphius
UNLOCKED: WAR MARKET: Mercenaries Supplement!
over 9 years ago
– Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 08:11:15 AM
I have a feeling there will be a few updates today! We just unlocked the WAR MARKET: Mercenaries Supplement.
This is now free in pdf as part of the PDF Master or pledges including 'All The Unlocked Books in PDF' or free in print as part of the All The Books Pledges/Add On's, Dire Foes and O-12 Master. Otherwise it's an £12 Add On!
The War Market. A stock exchange where employers can find mercenary companies available for hire and the mercenaries can find individual soldiers or squadrons ready for recruitment. With this exciting supplement you’ll be able to risk your life as a common soldier of fortune, command mercenaries as a squad captain, or even run your own mercenary company as a Warmonger! To support your career, you’ll find a complete guide to the Free Mercenary Companies of the Human Sphere, new Lifepath options, and faction careers. Then take your battle to the next level with the Advanced Warfare rules!
WHAT NEXT? We're now working towards the O-12 Files then Adventures in the Human Sphere and have unveiled the next goal at £350k to be the Technology of the Human Sphere book! If we unlock the £335k goal we're official the biggest Kickstarter for a new RPG so keep sharing!
Chris, Modiphius
UNLOCKED! O-12 Files & Combined Army Tiles PLUS Tokens & Bureau Noir Box
over 9 years ago
– Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 08:11:09 AM
Another Book unlocked! The O-12 Files are here! We also have some extra Add On's for the final hours (and for some of you bonuses to your pledges!). The O-12 Files is now a £12 Print Add On, free in PDF for those with 'All The Unlocked Books in PDF' and free in print for All The Books, O-12 Master and Dire Foes!
O-12. From its headquarters on the neutral planet of Concilium, O-12 strives to bring the nations of the Human Sphere together in unity. In the face of alien invasion, that unity may be the only thing that can save humanity, and it falls upon the brave and selfless agents of Bureau Noir to preserve that unity at all costs. The O-12 Files features your go-to guide for O-12’s vast portfolio of projects, including the planet Concilium itself and the majestic Circulars which knit the worlds of the Human Sphere together. Here you will also find everything you need for expanding the basic Wilderness of Mirrors into a limitless conspiracy-sandbox and Political Rules for managing the intrigues of international power struggles.
MORE TILES! I've been wanting to do the Combined Army Tiles and it was a later stretch goal but thought why not? So I've unlocked it and you can now get them as a £20 Add On so your heroes can explore the deepest secrets of the Combined Army bases and ships around Paradiso! Remember O-12 Masters and Dire Foes Pledges get these for free!
ANTENOCITIS WORKSHOP. We've teamed up with Antenocitis Workshop to develop some cool HEAT and Infinity Point Tokens. These graphics are just roughs - they'll be improved over the coming weeks. They are both £5 Add On's for a pack of 20 (enough for GM or Player's). And Yes they're included for free in the O-12 Master!
Each player will typically have from 3 to a maximum of 5 Infinity Tokens. We've used the O-12 logo for these.
Some of you have been wanting to get just the Bureau Noir box to put your pledges in, well now you can as a £20 Add On
New Add Ons: 4th Card Deck, Character & NPC Pads, Final O-12 Dice!
over 9 years ago
– Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 07:00:34 AM
Hi there, it's now just 24 hours left for the Infinity RPG Kickstarter so it's time for some final Add On's, and we're only £6,500 from unlocking the Ships of the Human Sphere!
Remember we promised some exciting Bonuses at 3000 Backers? We are just 76 away) and £300,000 - one of these is going to be an awesome benefit to every backer and you're going to see a sneak peak at it when we unlock it, both will benefit the Bureau Noir box, and one will be some general upgrades. So please keep sharing the page on Facebook as we've had a lot of backers come from there
O-12 DICE. Corvus Belli have approved the final O-12 design so we've updated the GM's dice set. Alternatively you can get 2 x Player's Dice sets and get two different sets of Faction d20s for the same price.
LOCATION DECK. Need some quick inspiration for scenes. Simply draw some locations from this deck. Each has some suggested zones such as Dark confined air ducts, Laboratory full of high-tec instruments, Bustling Reception with info screens, Battle scene with smashed up vehicles. You'll also have suggested GM Heat Spends for when you're stuck for ideas. This is an £8 Add on or free with the O-12 Pledge or Add On.
NPC & CHARACTER SHEETS. We listed the Character & NPC Sheets under the O-12 Pledge. Here they are if you want to add them to your pledge. They're £8 Add On's. The Character Sheets are double-sided sheets for each player. Graphics shown are not the sheets, they're just holding art.
The NPC sheets are for GM's who want to get all their minions, villains and NPC's in one place, or to create their own. You get two on each side of the paper so the pad of 50 will cover 200 NPC's. Enough to keep your players busy for a while!
Massive thanks to all the backers who've been helping look after everyone - you know who you are. We're really lucky to have such a wonderful community who help each other out and with some a massive project it's great to know people are helping others when we're not around.
Next update at 3000 Backers or £290,000 for the Ships of the Human Sphere!