
Corvus Belli's INFINITY Roleplaying Game

Created by Chris Birch, Modiphius

The official roleplaying game based on Corvus Belli's sci-fi skirmish game INFINITY

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Backerkit Pledge Manager Invites Sending!
about 9 years ago – Wed, Dec 09, 2015 at 05:20:22 PM

Hi everyone the wait is over - very soon you should have an invite for our Pledge Manager Backerkit! In this short email are some instructions for you and a video explaining how we've integrated shared shipping and adding funds using Paypal. 

If you need any help our office is open between the hours of 10am and 7pm UK time. Just call +44 207 736 7020 from outside the UK, or 0207 736 7020 within the UK. You can also email [email protected] for general enquiries about your account or message us through for any other questions about the Infinity pledge manager. 

** Please note if you backed using Paypal or using our webstore you will be getting the invite tomorrow as we have to manually add you!

IF YOUR ORIGINAL PLEDGE PAYMENT FAILED - you'll be getting an invite but with £0 credit. Some of you have paid by paypal since and we'll be adding the credit to these accounts tomorrow. Please bear with us!

Click here to review the videos I sent out in the last update on how to use Backerkit

PAYING WITH PAYPAL? We have added the ability to increase your Pledge Manager funds using Paypal - both when you start the survey and as an Add On in the shopping cart. You can just use the shopping cart as normal to add funds with a bank card but if you prefer to use Paypal just click on the Paypal Add On and follow the link to add funds using Paypal. It's really simple and when completed will return you to the Add On's page. Here's a quick video showing you how:

SHARING SHIPPING? You can choose to share shipping with a friend - just check their email and Kickstarter name and add it in the box. You then don't need to pay any shipping. Give them your final order and they will work out and pay all the shipping and can split the cost with you. 

Ok so what's next? 

1. We are now sending out an email with a special link to BackerKit surveys . It is important to respond to your survey as quickly as you can since we need this information for fulfilling your rewards. In particular if your pledge includes miniatures try to make your choices by December 20th as this will help us order stock with Corvus Belli. You can still add minis after this so don't worry but it just helps Corvus Belli plan their production if we can give them numbers sooner than later. 

2. You do not need to create a BackerKit account to fill out your survey, just click on the survey link, fill it out, and you’re all good to go! You will be able to answer questions about your rewards preferences, provide shipping information, and pledge for more “add-ons” if you'd like. You do not have access to this survey link yet, but it will be available soon via email!

In the survey you will confirm the following things: 

  • Your address
  • You will have the option to change your Pledge (perhaps to upgrade it if you like)
  • Whether to add any extra funds using Paypal
  • Which free RPG Miniature you want if you have a core book or Collector's Edition in your pledge
  • Which name you would like in the credits in the core book
  • Whether you want to share shipping with a friend

- Next you will enter the Add On's section where you will see the available credit you have after the cost of your Pledge Level is deducted from the total Pledge amount you made.

- You should then select all the Add On's you wanted which will use up that credit. You can select more Add On's and then increase your funds using Paypal, or pay the balance using a bank card (which is processed by Stripe - the same as Kickstarter)

- You can choose Extra Pledges - only use these when you want an extra pledge for a friend or yourself. 

- When you have completed your order go to our Pledge Calculator and add all the items to find out the total weight and what your shipping will cost. You can select 1, 2 or 3 shipments and see what the difference in cost is. Note: we're adding in a rough guide this week to what waves everything is in and the US $ conversion.

- When you you know your shipping cost go to the Add On page and select the Shipping Add On. You add multiples of the shipping cost based on the numbers of shipments you chose. For example if I wanted 2 shipments at £12.50 I would select £12.50 in the drop down and a quantity of 2 then 'Add To Cart'. Have a look at our videos in the last update for a reminder. 

3. If you decide later that you want to edit your survey response (such as your address or what Add On's you chose, you can go back to your survey and change it any time before we lock down the surveys for processing (which currently is the first week of January). 

4. If you need to review your information or pledge status, you will be able to recover your survey here:

5. If you use your Facebook login for your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey will be sent to the email you used for your Facebook account. If you have another email address that you would prefer to use, please contact support at and they will get you sorted out!

That's it for now!

Chris, Modiphius

Infinity Retail Pledge Info
about 9 years ago – Wed, Dec 09, 2015 at 04:51:53 PM

Hi quick message for those with Retail Pledges. We'll be in touch directly to confirm your orders with pricing. We aim to send out order info before Christmas for you. You will have until the end of January to confirm orders. Invoices (less the £20 deposit paid) will only be payable once we are ready to ship. 


Chris, Modiphius

Pledge Manager Preview
about 9 years ago – Fri, Dec 04, 2015 at 11:02:46 PM

Hi everyone, well after all our delays the Pledge Manager is ready! I have made a short video to explain how it works below so you're prepared when it starts. 

Our internet was down yesterday so it's just been completed today and we have the Dragonmeet gaming event in London tomorrow ( for those who've missed it - tickets just £8!) so the plan is it will be tested over the weekend and we will go live on monday so that we can be around to answer queries as you start the process. 

You will get an email invite on Monday evening with a link to Backerkit where you will set up your account, confirm your Pledge (upgrade it if you like), choose Add On's and pay for Shipping. We'll send an update confirming this too. It's all pretty simple but if you have any questions just post in the comments or message us for help. Backerkit have a Support email so you can query them for how things work too. The Pledge Manager will be open until January 1st to give you plenty of time to complete your orders. 

Watch this short video for an introduction to how the Pledge Manager will work:

(For those who spotted it yes Nebula of Mirrors is Unlocked!)

To work out your shipping you will use the Pledge Calculator to confirm your order. It will tell you the total shipping costs. At that point you can choose to have one, two or three shipments and the Pledge Calculator will tell you the cost of each shipment. If you select one shipment you'll get your order once everything is ready, if you select two shipments you will get the first wave of products in the Spring, then the rest once it's all complete. If you select three shipments you'll get your order in three waves through the year. 

Here's a quick video explaining this. The Pledge Calculator will be updated and tested by monday as well. 

That's all for today, do ask questions in the comments below and get ready for monday. We'll be posting updates about new Stretch Goals we've broken as time goes on plus next week we'll start showing off some of the artwork Corvus Belli have been approving. 


Chris, Modiphius

Pledge Manager Update
over 9 years ago – Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 03:42:36 PM

Hi guys, quick update - we're finalising set up of Backerkit but Benn who's working on it with us has had to down tools since his wife is having her baby today! It's fantastic news but we'll obviously have to wait a few days for him to catch up and be happy everything is ready to go with the Infinity Backerkit. We're using today to get in all the final graphics so hopefully it's a matter of some simple tests and tweaks on monday. 

Chris, Modiphius

Pledge Manager Set Up Continues!
over 9 years ago – Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 09:03:05 PM

Hi guys just a heads up that we're still setting up Backerkit and taking our time to ensure no mistakes are made that might affect the accuracy of the information later on. We have to set up every possible variant, every item in every pledge and make sure we didn't miss anything. It's pretty complex and just needs time to get it right. 

We're almost there - realistically looks like you'll get invites this coming weekend - can't wait to get it started so we can see what other stretch goals we'll meet!

In the meantime the design process continues and we're briefing more artwork. Artwork has been slower than expected as we & Corvus Belli have very high standards - and we've been finding more artists that can match the same style as the artwork we all know and love. 

Once the Pledge Manager starts we'll do an update on Stretch Goals. 


Chris, Modiphius