The official roleplaying game based on Corvus Belli's sci-fi skirmish game INFINITY
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Backerkit / Pledge Manager Update
over 9 years ago
– Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 06:05:32 PM
Hi guys, we've been learning some better ways to set up the pledge manager whilst we're shipping the Mutant Chronicles Kickstarter and taking more time to get it just right. Don't worry you've not missed any invites yet!
We've spent this week confirming all the variants of pledges and Add On's and on Sunday myself and Garry our logistics manager and Benn our consultant game designer come Excel GENIUS are again working on the pledge manager.
We're aiming to get invites out end of next week. It looks like we'll keep the pledge manager open until the first week of January now to allow you to sort out your orders and add more items. What we will ask though is anyone wanting miniatures as part of their pledge confirms this by the end of November if possible so we can give Corvus Bellis as accurate quantities of miniatures as possible as they have to plan their production ahead of time.
Otherwise the design team are heading down finalising the graphic look of the stats, rules and storyline sections of the corebook and we're busy commissioning and approving artwork with Corvus Belli.
Chris, Modiphius
Paypal Update, 3500 Backer Bonus & Pledge Manager
over 9 years ago
– Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 12:03:47 AM
Hi there, sorry for the radio silence over the last few days we've been showing some love to the Thunderbirds and Mutant Chronicles Kickstarter backers who have both had shipments taking place over the last couple of weeks so it really has been crazy here at Modiphius HQ!
In fact we're moving office this weekend - we've been working out of our home for the last two years with people perched on sofa's and corner's of tables and finally we're moving in to Modiphius' first real office!
PLEDGE MANAGER. So that we get exactly the right information from you all we are taking our time to set up the Infinity pledge manager. You'll be getting an invite from a site called Backerkit that many other Kickstarter projects use. We should be ready in about ten days to invite you so please be patient. You'll be adding your shipping and extra items that you want there. We are also updating the Pledge Calculator to make sure all the Add On's are included and the correct weights and shipping prices are factored in.
PAYPAL Well we had another 58 backers join in but it looks like overall we lost 60 backers from the final count in Kickstarter. Don't worry we're still over 3500! The good news is we've clocked up another £4044 from Paypal since the last update so the current total stands at: £359,252 - so we are two thirds of the way to unlocking the Nebula of Mirror's campaign book!
We don't yet know how many backers we retained through Paypal pledges and how much funds we're dropped on the total raised. Some of that Paypal total is backers who's cards didn't go through and paid instead through Paypal. We'll only know early next week when the funds arrive how much we're actually getting from Kickstarter backers.
3500 BACKER BONUS. The core book is full colour hardback and the supplements are all currently full colour soft backs. So starting now, what we're going to do is convert a book over to hardback at each of the following goals:
each extra 200 backers (next week we'll announce the current total)
each 200 shares on a Facebook post (we'll be promoting the chance to join in the Pledges - we'll send out links as an update so you can help share it)
once we've unlocked the final book in the Kickstarter: Hypercorps we're going to unlock more Geomorphic Tiles sets AND hardback conversions as Stretch Goals
The first book we've unlocked in lovely full colour hard back is the Gamesmaster Guide at 3500 backers!
There is one proviso for this though, hardbacks cost more and take longer to print - about 1 month compared to 10 days for softbacks, so we take extra care and time checking them for errors. Converting books over to hardbacks therefore gives the writing teams less time to complete each one. So as we convert them it may risk pushing back the completion of each wave by the 3-4 weeks (not per book just per wave). I'm sure you'll agree it will be worthwhile though!
Tell us in the comments below what books you'd like to see unlocked in hardback!
Chris, Modiphius
UNLOCKED! Technology of the Human Sphere! Paypal Total!
over 9 years ago
– Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 09:29:12 AM
Hi guys so the journey continues in to Human Sphere!
We unlocked the next Stretch Goal: Technology of the Human Sphere with the Paypal funds which came to £8922 so together with the official total of £346,330 means we hit £355,252. There will be some dropped pledges as some people's payments didn't go through and changed to paypal instead but either way we're happy to unlock this as the funds will keep coming in. We also gathered 115 new Backers enough to hit the 3500 backer bonus which we'll talk about in the next update.
Technology of the Human Sphere is now available as a £12 Print Add On, or free in PDF for Pledges with 'All The Unlocked Books in PDF' and free in print for All The Books, O-12 Masters and Dire Foes!
If you're having trouble getting your payment through and have run out of options you can use our Store page to purchase a Pledge or Contact us to arrange a specific Paypal Payment to cover your planned pledge.
Three technological innovations have transformed human society: Interstellar travel, the quantronics revolution, and the biotech wonders made possible by the wonders of Silk. Technology of the Human Sphere unravels the astonishing technology of the future, including
An arsenal of weapons, specialized ammunition, high-tech armour, and the other military materiel
Spy gadgets, infiltration devices, and other tools of the trade
A huge array of vehicles – from Yutang mag-bikes to Varunan submersibles
Infowar programs, hacking devices, and other quantronic equipment
Body modifications, genetic therapies, and other innovations of biotech
Whether you’re planning to cross the icy wastes of Svalarheima or investigate murders on an asteroid mining facility, you’ll want to make sure you’ve got the right kit for the job.
As we approach the pledge manager (you should get an invite in a couple of weeks and we'll post about it soon) it looks likely we'll unlock the Nebula of Mirrors Campaign and quite likely the last planned book; Hypercorps... and who knows what else beyond that! We'll do another update on Paypal pledges as the Pledge Manager starts so we know what goals we're aiming for!
Chris, Modiphius
UNLOCKED! Adventures in the Human Sphere & No.1 RPG New Kickstarter
over 9 years ago
– Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 07:08:50 AM
Hi all we just blew right through the £335,000 goal making this the 3rd biggest RPG Kickstarter, and the biggest new RPG launch on Kickstarter. It's really amazing - just shows how much love there is for the Infinity universe!
We unlocked the Adventures in the Human Sphere supplement as a print Add On at £12 and of course free in PDF with pledges including 'All The Unlocked Books in PDF' and free in print for All The Books, O-12 Masters and Dire Foes!
The space opera of adventure supplements! Take your campaign to every corner of the Human Sphere, with dedicated adventures set on every planet.
This means we're now working on the Technology of the Human Sphere supplement and have revealed the Hypercorps supplement at £380k
Let's see if we can crack another goal before the end - keep sharing and we'll also have a final surprise 3500 Backer Bonus if we get there...
Chris, Modiphius
You Were Only Supposed to BLOW THE BLOODY DOORS OFF!
over 9 years ago
– Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 07:08:48 AM
First of all I think we need a word from Mr Michael Caine!
The Infinity RPG is now officially the biggest launch of a new RPG universe on Kickstarter with 3,494 backers and £346,330 / $534,867 Unlocking 20 Books - it couldn't have been possible without the incredible story of the guys at Corvus Belli or all of you - the passionate fans who've definitely blown the bloody doors off!
It's been an honour hanging out with you all for the last month in the Comments and now we plan to make an even more incredible game for you. We'll be updating you tomorrow night with initial Paypal Pledges but these will continue over the coming weeks and we'll certainly unlock another book or two with the Pledge Manager funds raised. We include all the extra funds - just not the shipping paid for.
Now it's time for some dinner here and a bit of break before work starts again tomorrow. In about three weeks Modiphius moves into it's first office having camped out at our first apartment and then a rented house for the last 2 years. It'll be a big relief to get all the boxes and people out of our home. So it's very apt that Infinity is the beginning of a new era for us all!
This is just the beginning of the updates as the planning for the whole range starts, work is already underway on the adventures and campaigns, and the faction books start imminently.