Latest Core Book Preview & New Art!
almost 9 years ago
– Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 09:37:14 PM
Hi guys thanks for being so patient, tonight we have some new art to inspire you and the latest section of the Core book is uploaded to the Core Book Preview Chapter in Backerkit for you - Infinity Introduction 2-30_lr.pdf is the file you want. This is the whole Introduction to the book and comes in at another 29 pages. There are some art pieces still being completed for this chapter so you'll notice a few holes. As usual please post comments in this Update for the dev team to follow. If you're after storyline this has got some great inspiration!
What you can expect in this is:
Welcome to Infinity - a 7 page overview of the Infinity universe
Chronology of the Human Sphere - a 12 page awesome timeline of major events
Adventures in a Wilderness of Mirrors - a 2 page introduction to hidden agenda's
How to Play Infinity - an 8 page introduction to the rules. Please note the delay today is because we realised this section needed some rules updates from the dev team that were missed by the editing process. There will be a new version of the file to replace this section in a few days.
Here's where we are with other material.
- You're going to have a draft of a corrected version of the Psywar chapter shortly. Based on Conan playtests we made some key changes and we want your feedback before they get nailed down in the book.
- We're currently cycling the Gear chapters into the approvals pipeline. As soon as we've got those back, we'll be releasing a preliminary draft of those chapters so you can get your hands on some equipment.
- The same thing is simultaneously happening with our Adversaries chapter, which will feed you roughly 100 NPC stat blocks for use in your game. (Plus, of course, all the rules you need to stat up your own NPCs). That'll give GMs basically everything they need to run the game.
- Our next goal, in terms of getting people the stuff they need to start playing, is to cycle out some of the scenarios from Adventures in the Human Sphere campaign book. We'll also still be working to get the Faction and Planet chapters for the core book polished up and approved and some of them are in approval right now waiting on feedback. They are taking the longest because it's critical content that's being approved by Corvus Belli.
We are very advanced on the art process now with only about 20 pieces to complete for the core book rules and background chapters, which you're gradually seeing as we unveil chapters, the final batch will be the backer artworks for the core book. As soon as the core book is completed the art team will be working on the Adventures in the Human Sphere book and bonus adventure.
Although it can be tough to see it from the outside, we're getting very close now. I have said I didn't want to commit to dates until we're closer to completing the core book as CB's time and resources can change from day. Whilst we're also paying for staff at their end to assist and speed up the approvals process if something requires a re-write it slows down further writing and the layout process at the same time. I think in another week we should have a lot more approvals through and a lot more content submitted so we'll try to give you some a revised schedule then.
Here's some more art to finish - please do post comments on the Introduction section when you can!
Chris, Modiphius
Acontecimento System PREVIEW & Salute Pickups
almost 9 years ago
– Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 11:41:44 PM
Hi everyone thanks for all the feedback on the latest Alpha of the character App - keep it coming we'll be updating it again soon.
SALUTE PICKUPS - If you're coming to Salute and had opted for an office pickup please message chris at modiphius dot com asap and we'll make sure we have your RPG minis with us!
PREVIEWS! Here's another approved layout for you - the Acontecimento Planet section. Simply go to if you have the core book in your Pledge and you'll find the preview pdf in the Core Book digital downloads. Please provide feedback in the comments here. Remember the main supplements will carry more detail.
We have all four chapters of the Introduction for the Infinity RPG Core book in layout now. That's the following sections: Welcome to Infinity, Chronology of the Human Sphere, Wilderness of Mirrors, & How to Play Infinity - these should be with you soon and is another 34 pages of content.
We're sending out the text of the Psywar chapter next - the dev team made some updates to it (based on feedback to other systems) so whilst it's in the layout queue we're giving you all one last chance to comment.
The Concilium section had to go back for a re-write as CB had some info on the planet that hadn't been shared with us and we need to make sure everything is in line with their future plans. There are a few cases of this, it can't be helped with such an expansive universe where the CB team have lots of secret notes and we have to be careful not to 'paint them in to a corner' where they can't then do something they wanted to. The re-write for the Concilium section has affected one of the adventures in the Human Sphere which is also set there so you can see there are constant changes to be dealt with as we go through the layout process.
The extensive Gear chapter is getting stats finalised right now and as soon as I have the text I'll send that out to you all to give feedback whilst it's in the layout queue. Next update we'll share the awesome gear artwork!
The Plot Generator bonus content for the Collector's Edition should be complete for next week and we should see an updated tabletop conversion doc soon.
The layout team just expanded with Thomas Shook who's been working across the Mutant Chronicles RPG Line - it's starting to wind down now with only 2 more books to go in layout so Thomas is joining the Infinity team to get up to speed for when the rest of the books start being ready for layout. He's starting work on the Adventures in the Human Sphere adventure book so that we can get the Wave 1 books completed asap.
Production update: With the above in mind we're aiming for you to have as much content from Wave 1 in hand by the end of April with final layouts going through the approvals process. We want to allow as much of May as possible for final feedback and proof reading before we go to print. Our goal would be printing through June for delivery in July. Of course we have to allow for Corvus Belli's timelines but we'll keep you updated.
Here's some updates on other items.
- Tokens - being ordered for delivery in May
- Dice - ordered & due for delivery late May
- Geomorphic tiles - Paradiso Ruins Set artwork 90% complete and approved. Combined Army Interiors set in work. Due to be printed in June ready for shipments in July.
- Fabric & Poster Maps - to be be re-produced at higher res with more content.
- Card Decks - Awaiting content and artwork from books.
- Bureaur Noir Operatives Box - In development with designer/factory for delivery in July. It's going to be stunning! We'll show more previews when we can.
- Character Sheet Pads - Awaiting final character sheet design but aim to print in June at same time as tiles.
BACKERKIT STRETCHGOALS - We have an exciting announcement coming later this months that's going to benefit the whole Infinity RPG community (as well as backers) and will help us reach lots more players. Watch out for the news... :-)
That's it for today,
Chris, Modiphius
Updated Character App & Minis Pickups!
almost 9 years ago
– Thu, Apr 07, 2016 at 11:12:08 PM
Hi all, first of all if you're down to pick up from the Modiphius London office the miniatures are now here! You can come anytime between 10am and 7pm Monday through Friday. The address is 35 Harwood Road, Fulham Broadway. London. SW6 4QP
We've updated the Infinity Character app and it should be a lot smoother, as usual we'd love you to try to break it ;-) Please post error reports below or message us with anything more in depth.
Here's a list of fixes that have been implemented:
- Fixed ”undefined” appearing in list of Equipment
- Fixed listing of Equipment in PDF
- Renamed Combirifle to CombiRifle
- Fixed a couple of reported typos
- Fixed bug where Next and Undo buttons would disappear behind the footer bar
- Fixed signature skill bug where they could not be increased further than 3
- Fixed LP deduction when selecting a 3rd or 4th career
- Removed a couple of unused Resources that was eating page loading speed
- Removed a character that was unsupported by the used font
- Added a loader when changing page to indicate that something is happening
- Certain pages can take a while to load
- Fixed ”undefined” appearing in languages
- Fixed duplicate language bug
- Minor layout corrections
- Fixed bug where you could get stuck due to skill Points remaining for a skill that was maxed
- Changed the character sheet layout and made the container scrollable so it works better on low-res screens
Our developer Christoffer is looking at the mobile adaption next as it can be improved further.
Chris, Modiphius
Online Infinity Character Creator Beta Test!
almost 9 years ago
– Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 10:30:14 PM
Hi everyone we're now beta testing the Infinity Character App. This will let you go through the Character creation process choosing exactly what you want with Life Points OR rolling randomly (or a mix of the two). The system should be self explanatory but a few notes from my testing:
- If you can't progress look for something you haven't done - perhaps you missed picking a Skill Expertise or Focus increase, or selecting a Talent. Usually there will be a pop-up if you have missed something.
- Talents and Signature Skills have to be 'loaded' - click the button and you'll get a drop down list to select from.
At the end of the process you'll be able to export the character as a Character Sheet PDF (this is not the final character sheet just something to use for the moment). We're exploring other features so please suggest ideas in the comments!
Remember this is a Beta and NOT the finished App! Please provide error reports and feedback in the comments of this Update for the developer. Please try to provide as much info as possible detail the
You can test it here:
Hope you enjoy. Next update will be on chapters in work and approvals.
Chris, Modiphius
UNLOCKED: Ship Interior Tiles PDF
almost 9 years ago
– Sat, Mar 19, 2016 at 06:06:37 PM
Thanks to the Conan RPG Kickstarter passing £300k we unlocked the bonus set of Ship Interior Infinity geomorphic tiles which is FREE for all backers - yes all backers above £1 not just with the PDF bundle. We decided this should be a proper bonus for everyone.
These are special adventure tiles in PDF showing the insides of typical Human Sphere ships that we'll be producing to match the other tile sets unlocked in the Kickstarter. Get ready for some shipboard action! As you know our tiles will be modular so you can set up all kinds of shipboard scenes. We will be producing the PDF tiles with both clean and battle damaged layers. You will be able to turn the grid on or off as you like. I have a lot more of Jose's Infinity tiles to show off that are being approved at the moment and those should be in the next update.
We expect to print the Ship Interior tiles later in the year and are looking at other possible tile sets. Tell us in the comments which ones you would like to see?
Thanks to the shipping carriers raising the prices dramatically at the end of January we have had to recalculate how much of what we raised in the Pledge Manager is now shipping costs before we announce further unlocked Stretch Goals. We spent the last month negotiating new shipping costs with North America, Europe and Australia so bear with us and hopefully we'll have a few more bonuses to share yet!
I should have the Infinity Online Character Generator to share soon and we'd like you to help Alpha test it and report bugs
For those interested in the Conan Kickstarter, thanks to Conan Properties, we are giving the whole set of d20 Conan PDF's (yes loads!) for anyone at the £40 PDF Master Pledge and above. If you're after a bargain you can get two whole RPG's - the new Conan 2d20 line of books and the old d20 range for just £40. Here's the link
I'll leave you with another image from Bagus - an Aleph interior!
Chris, Modiphius