
Corvus Belli's INFINITY Roleplaying Game

Created by Chris Birch, Modiphius

The official roleplaying game based on Corvus Belli's sci-fi skirmish game INFINITY

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Skills & Talents Preview PDF!
about 9 years ago – Sun, Feb 14, 2016 at 11:04:01 PM

Hi all Alberto just gave us the OK on the Skills & Talents chapter for you all to check out - you can download it from your Backerkit account. Some elements are still being worked on and if you spot any errors in this or the lifepath chapter please submit them via 

You'll find the chapter in both the Player's Guide and Core Book preview folders. This is because some people are only getting the Player's Guide and others are getting both. That's a total of 79 pages of the core book in layout for both Core Book and Player's Guide, we're already working on the next rules chapters and hope to have those over for approval soon. 

If you have any issues with Mediafire first allow a few moments for the page to load - typically you'll see the Mediafire page and it can take some moments for the actual files to show up. If you can't download the files simply try a different browser - there have been some reports of people not being able to access the folders so if you have an issue try an alternative browser. 


Chris, Modiphius

LOCKDOWN is here! Cards charging on monday
about 9 years ago – Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 06:53:39 PM

Hi guys we've gone through all the issues and have finally locked down Backerkit so no more changes can be made. If you still wanted to make some changes just message us via [email protected] 

We have approximately 100 people left with shipping due to pay, thanks to everyone else for sorting out their payments! We're going to go through the outstanding ones manually next week and message each of those people with a payment link to sort out the balance they owe. 

On Monday we are processing all the card payments made in Backerkit. If you think there might be a problem please contact us, if there are any issues with payment we'll be in touch. Backerkit uses Stripe to process card payments just like Kickstarter so if you had a problem with your bank not allowing the payment through you might want to mention to them that there's another similar payment going through. 

We're still waiting on the Skills and Talents chapter approval (we had it back with some queries and revised file has been re-submitted) so hopefully you should have it in a few days. 

Hope you all have a great weekend!


Backerkit Closure - Have you paid your shipping?
about 9 years ago – Fri, Feb 05, 2016 at 10:04:53 PM

Hi everyone we've delayed deciding on closing Backerkit until monday night. Why? Well we did some checking this week and it turns out over 1000 people HAVE NOT PAID FOR ANY SHIPPING. Yes that means 1 in 3 of you reading this have forgotten to pay for shipping or not realised you had to add it. And that does not include people who are PDF only backers. 

It's one of the most common issues with Kickstarter projects but as the number was so high we're taking our time to figure out how to lock down and charge the orders that are correct. You see the problem is many orders are marked as completed / finalised. Surely we could lock those down? No because many of those didn't add shipping. 

So we'd rather wait and get things right than rush in. We're having a call on Monday to look at the best way forward but in the meantime we are keeping Backerkit open until Monday midnight Pacific time (Tuesday morning 8am GMT). 

In the meantime - PLEASE could you check that you have paid your shipping? Those 1000 people have pledges requiring shipping but have not chosen the Shipping Add On at all. So if you have got the Shipping Add on, we'll be checking whether you paid the right shipping next and you don't have to worry right away. 

If you have NOT got the Shipping Add On selected in Backerkit then you are one of those 1000 people. Please could you ASAP work out your shipping cost using the Pledge Calculator - remember you just need to select your Country, your Pledge, then all the items you chose as Add Ons and how many shipments you wanted to find out how much to select as a Shipping Add On. 

This will really help us and if you haven't paid your shipping by Monday night it could cause delays in you getting your First Wave since we'll have to deal with this group of backers separately - contacting each one by direct email (in case they're not getting the updates). 

So remember! Have you got a Shipping Add On in your Backerkit Pledge Manager? 

- Yes? Then don't worry! We'll be in touch if you haven't paid the correct amount. 

- No? Please go straight to Backerkit this weekend and figure out your shipping using the Pledge Calculator to find out how much you need to add in Backerkit. Here's a handy guide in PDF

You can make additional payments using your card (if you're already paying for some extra items by card it will just add the cost to that payment) or you can increase your credit using the Paypal Add On. Again see the PDF guide above for help with this. 

If you know you can't get this sorted by Monday night please send us a message. 

Thanks everyone - appreciate all the patience - please check with your friends who are backers and make sure they've paid their shipping. Some of our team are working on this and if we have to contact a lot of people directly it's going to be a distraction from work on the books which will further delay things for everyone later on. 


Chris, Modiphius

Deadline for Backerkit, Character Sheet Challenge & Update!
about 9 years ago – Sat, Jan 30, 2016 at 10:35:55 PM

Firstly thanks everyone for the comments on the character sheet design.  We're not going to update the character sheet for a bit as we focus on the next chapters - once we're closer to completing the core book we'll get feedback from everyone and do one update to the sheet taking into account all the lessons learned (otherwise we can here for weeks trust me!). And yes please do post your ideas for character sheets. 

DESIGN A CHARACTER SHEET! In fact let's make this fun - if you have a great idea, post a link to your own design of a Character sheet by the end of February in the comments of this update. We'll send out all of the sheets posted in an update and the one we like the best will get a bonus $50US in extra credit to spend as they like on Infinity RPG products (or the Modiphius webstore if you prefer). We will also use these to help look for great solutions to the character sheet design (part of our criteria will be which design uses the cleverest solution to making the sheet really easy to use). All of the sheets entered will be made available in a Community Downloads section later on. 


Right folks the deadline is almost on us - we're locking down all orders on Monday - February 1st. If you're struggling with how to use Backerkit, not sure how to add shipping or can't find something you want just let us know. You can mail through or email support at modiphius dot com 

Backerkit can be found at:

The Pledge Calculator is at:

Once we have locked down the orders we'll be doing a check on shipping amounts paid which will take a week or so. This will identify people who haven't paid any shipping or the correct amount. As soon as this has been done we'll be processing the Backerkit card payments for those orders with the correct shipping. For those with incorrect shipping we will get in touch with you to confirm the extra payment required and this will of course take a few weeks. 

In the meantime if you want to make a change to your order once it is locked down just message us through with your Backerkit email and what changes you would like to make. 

Over the coming months we will allow updates to your account - you will be able to update your address and add things to your order (as above please contact us). 


We have been working with Corvus Belli to help speed up the approvals process and find more artists that make the grade. We've found some incredible talent this month and CB's resident Infinity RPG GM Alberto is now working closely with us on the whole process. 

We're currently working on a range of chapters - we're hoping to get you the Skills & Talents chapter soon but we also have some of the other rules chapters close to approval. As soon as I have news I'll let you know. 

That's it for today

Chris, Modiphius

Revised Character Sheet
about 9 years ago – Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 10:04:37 PM

Hi we've revised the character sheet - there's now a low res (with page 2) and printer friendly version - the same high res is still there too so if you have it already you don't need to download again. 

Download here


Chris, Modiphius