Production Update, Artwork Preview & Backerkit Support Doc
about 9 years ago
– Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 11:38:11 PM
Hi everyone here's an update on production and artwork. Zarina has also created a Guide to using the Backerkit Pledge manager for those of you who might need help. You can download it here
1/3 of you still haven't completed your Backerkit account yet so once we know how much total shipping has been paid, we will confirm some extra unlocked Stretch Goals. Remember that the Hypercorps supplement and Nebula of Mirrors are now unlocked as £12 Add Ons and are included in the All The PDF's and All The Books deals.
BACKERKIT LOCKDOWN! Due to the delays we're going to keep Backerkit open until the 31st January - BUT PLEASE try to complete it by 16th January if you can so we can focus on using the last two weeks of January to help check your orders for errors (such as the correct shipping), and finalise production quantities. Anyone who has not completed their account by 31st Jan will not get a Wave 1 shipment! So the sooner your account is completed the sooner we can check it and tick you off!
PRODUCTION: Firstly we have been working hard to hit the December release of the core book in PDF unfortunately Corvus Belli have been exceptionally busy since November - much more than they had planned and this has contributed to delays in the approvals process. They have to sign off on every piece of text before layout, each image and the final layout itself to ensure the Infinity RPG matches their vision. We had to switch some artists around as they weren't able to match the high standards we all expect for the game, however we're getting some really amazing artists joining the team!
Our line manager Justin has also been out of action with a heavy dose of flu for the last week and he also reviews each piece of content before it goes to CB so we help speed up the process for them (to ensure the material does not include anything incorrect). He's back and catching up now and he will get some final documents in to edit, approval and layout in the next few days.
The good news is we are still very advanced - the rules and storyline are mostly complete for the core book (though we're waiting on chapters being approved before they can go in to layout), the artwork is 70% complete, the layout artist has been working through the Character Generation chapter and we're hopeful this will be sent out by the end of the month. The goal will be to send you chapters as they are complete so you can be helping proof read them alongside our team through January before they go to print.
The writing team have moved on to the Adventures in the Human Sphere campaign (which is also in the first wave alongside the Player's Guide and Collector's Edition) and Corvus Belli are in production on the RPG miniatures. We're also working on the various accessories - posters, maps etc. The rules team have also been working on the rules for the Player's Guide bonus content which will let you convert your RPG characters over to the tabletop as well and we will upload that for discussion before it goes in to print. It's looking good but needs testing at our end.
We'll be reviewing the production plan for 2016 and we are working with the Corvus Belli team to see how we can simplify the approvals process and also help them with more resources to speed things up.
ARTWORK! In the meantime we're including a couple of awesome paintings by one of Corvus Belli's regular artists Bagus Hatomoto below that will be going in to the core book so you can see how some of the artwork is going to look. We will start sending these out regularly for you over the coming weeks.
Until the next update, hope you all have a great Christmas and New Year!
Chris, Modiphius
Pledge Calculator is Fixed! Please check your Shipping
about 9 years ago
– Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 10:51:34 PM
Hi guys we fixed the errors in the Pledge Calculator. This has been double checked and we're happy with everything now. Sorry about the inconvenience if you have already worked out your shipping. In some cases you might save some money, in many it should not make too much difference if any but we need to make sure it's correct of course.
Here's the link as a reminder:
The good news is some items got lighter - if you have the following items you could make some shipping savings by checking the Pledge Calculator again. If so just change your Shipping Add On (or delete it and add again).
- ADD ON UPGRADE: All The Books In Print & PDF Upgrade - 15827g down to 9778g
- ADD ON UPGRADE: 0-12 Master Upgrade - 21921g down to 15875g
- ADD ON: Double-Sided A1 Poster Map - 220g down to 75g
- PLEDGE: Bureau Noir Operatives Case - 70727g down to 4475g
- PLEDGE: Dire Foes - 15408g down to 13700g
Unfortunately some some items have increased in weight due to the errors we found. If you're total weight is between 2-4kg or 10kg-30kg then in most cases this won't make much difference (unless it pushes you over the 4 or 10kg marks, if your total weight was just under 2kg then it will likely make a difference to your shipping.
- PLEDGE - Bureau Noir Operatives Case 1947g should be 2350g
- PLEDGE - Print & PDF Master 1947g should be 2350g
- PLEDGE - Generous GM 3175g should be 4255g
- PLEDGE - Bostria Art Master (supplements)- 1947g should be 2350g
- PLEDGE - Bostria Art Master 1947g should be 2350g
- ADD ON - Collector's Edition 0g should be 2392g
Other Changes:
- Moved GM Screen to Wave 2
- Moved Shadow Affairs Campaign to Wave 2
Moved Dire Foes Packs to Miniatures section
Thanks for your time on this, we have a system to automatically check your shipping once we lock down and will let you know if your shipping is incorrect. Please don't hesitate to contact us though if you're not sure or need some help.
Chris & Rita,
Pledge Calculator Error, Revised Lockdown & Stretch Goals...!
about 9 years ago
– Sat, Dec 12, 2015 at 07:17:41 PM
Hi everyone sorry about this it looks like one of our updates to the Pledge Calculator has introduced some errors in to the weights of important items like the Core Book and Collector's edition. Just in case we're going to re-check every single weight in the calculator on monday and then send an update when we're confident everything is accurate. Till then please hold off working out your Shipping Add On. We'll let you know when it's ready and will send an update.
With the delays in setting up the Pledge Manager we're going to allow until the middle of January for Lockdown to give you more time.
In the the meantime we have some awesome news - you remember we unlocked the Technology of the Human Sphere supplement with the Paypal funds? We'll in the last few days we've also unlocked the final two books at £365k and £380k with the force of your extra pledges in the Pledge Manager! These are now both available as Add On's for £12 each and are in the Wave 3 plan:
A 112 page campaign. A pulse-pounding espionage thriller drawing the PCS deep into the darkest secrets of the Human Sphere. Betrayed by their friends and with their enemies turning into strange allies, can they untangle their twisted triangle of allegiances before the Code Infinity unleashes its destructive force?
The chartered companies used by PanOceania to rapidly develop its colonial prospects, the Merchant Guilds of Haqqislam which blazed the trade routes of the starways, and the zaibatsu spun-off from the centrally-controlled economy of Yu Jing’s State Empire have become the seeds of the new hyper-corporations. And in the transplanetary future of the Human Sphere, each of these myriad hypercorps is a mini-faction unto itself. Become a corporate runner and turn your hand to industrial espionage or use the Advanced Psywar rules to turn the boardroom into your battlefield.
112-page colour softback sourcebook featuring a complete guide to the corporations of the Human Sphere, resources for running campaigns of industrial espionage, and Advanced Psywar rules.
That's it for today!
Chris, Modiphius
Dire Foes Pledge Free Shipment
about 9 years ago
– Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 01:47:15 AM
Hi a quick update for Dire Foes Pledges. Remember you get one free shipment as part of your pledge. The way to work out your shipping is as follows:
- If you want three shipments select 3 in the Pledge Calculator. However you only need to pay for two of them in Backerkit.
- If you want two shipments select 2 in the Pledge Calculator. You only need to pay for one of them in Backerkit
- If you want just one shipment then you have no shipping to pay for!
Hope that helps!
Shipping, Waves, Pickups & Fixes!
about 9 years ago
– Wed, Dec 09, 2015 at 10:03:56 PM
Hi guys a couple of things to clear up any confusion.
If you have a Pledge with physical products you DO need to add shipping. Simply select the SHIPPING Add On and follow these instructions (also repeated there)
- Please select your correct shipping amount based on the pledge calculator.
- Use the link bellow to our online pledge calculator to check how much your shipping should be. You can select one, two or three shipments to have deliveries when you like. The first shipment is estimated to be in the Spring (Feb/March), the second in the summer (July/August) and the third in Autumn (November/December). Shipments will be based on completed products at that time. Simply select 1, 2 or 3 in 'Qty' of the shipping cost required per shipment.
click here to open pledge calculator
Here is a rough guide to what will be ready for each wave. This may change as we will have to work within the approvals capacity of Corvus Belli but we'll update with any changes of course:
Wave 1 - Core book, Collector's Edition, Player's Guide, Bonus 40 Page Adventure, Adventures in the Human Sphere campaign, dice, miniatures, posters, fabric maps, tokens, character sheets
Wave 2 - All the Faction supplements, Shadow Affairs, Paradiso Planet Book, Gamesmaster's Guide, GM Screen, Card Decks
Wave 3 - Remaining Books
PICKUPS? We now have a free Add On called Pick-up Part Of Your Pledge
This lets you tell us that you want to be able to pick up from our London office. Simply select x1 of this Add On.
If you want to collect from conventions, there will certainly be 'some' product available but we cannot guarantee ALL of your pledge will be available so to avoid disappointment we recommend picking at least one shipment and then using any conventions as a chance to get some items earlier than expected.
We will advise what conventions we will have available items for collection as they are completed. Possible Pickups will include:
UK Games Exp - UK
Gen Con - USA
Essen Spiele - Germany
Dragonmeet - London.
Thanks everyone for reporting fixes to the Pledge Manager & Calculator it really helps! Here's a list of what's been sorted or will be fixed tomorrow:
- 0-12 Player's Dice Set Added to Add On's
- Shadow Affair's Book now 192 pages
- GM Screen shows no price or weight in Pledge Calculator (added to fix list)
- GM Screen was showing in the All The Books Pledge contents - now deleted
- Mercenaries 1d20, 5 x d20 Bundle and Player's Dice set added to Add On's
- Missing English Player's Guide PDF's added to pledges
- Location Deck missing from Pledge Calculator (added to fix list)
- Dice Collector's set missing from Pledge Calculator (added to fix list)
- Requested US$ conversion be added back to Pledge Calculator (on fix list)
That's it's for tonight time to sleep!
Chris, Modiphius