
Corvus Belli's INFINITY Roleplaying Game

Created by Chris Birch, Modiphius

The official roleplaying game based on Corvus Belli's sci-fi skirmish game INFINITY

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Infinity Scenario Winners & Update
almost 8 years ago – Sat, May 06, 2017 at 11:37:59 PM

Hi there, 

First of all remember we ran a competition for people to submit adventure proposals? We've now picked the winners who are: 

E Plurubus Unum by Julio Saiz is the winning entry who gets $100 credit. 

Runners up are Dreaming of Electric Sheep (James Carus) and The Errant Son (Levi Curran). Each receiving $50 store credit.

We will work with the winner to go through the process of approvals with the final story (that Gutier of course has to sign off on) and help them create an adventure which will appear in our free magazine Modiphia! Lloyd will be in touch with the winners to send them vouchers for our store. 

TAG & Vehicle Rules

The TAG and Vehicle rules are now appearing in the Gamesmaster Guide book. For anyone who doesn't get this as part of their pledge we'll be adding the PDF's of those specific chapters to the core book pledge as soon as they are signed off. We're also making some tweaks to the lifepath to account for this. 

Production Update

After discussions earlier this week with the Infinity line manager we've realised even with the extra editors he was struggling with the volume of approvals and catching up after being out of action from his fall. We've now moved over two more team members - Marc the line manager for the Mutant Chronicles RPG line (who just completed 17 books in that line) and Benn (who is our lead rules editor and troubleshooter). This free up Justin to focus on the essential role of reviewing the Infinity content and getting it back to writers or Gutier at CB. Marc and Benn are focusing on managing the writers for Wave 2 books and driving our schedule. 

This week we've replaced all the 'See page XX' placeholders and have roughed in the index references. We've also completed 800+ corrections to the previous version of the book and these are being proofread by the lead editor to check they've all been done correctly. 

We're just waiting on final approval from CB for the Nomad chapter (which we'll give you a few days to check over before we go to print).

The Player's Guide is being assembled as soon as the corrections are confirmed (as it used core book chapters)

Here's the team's priorities for the next week: 

- Getting Quantronic Heat (40-page) into Approvals ideally by Sunday so that it’s in place for CB on Monday 

- Ensuring additional content for Collector's Edition and Player's Guide is approved and ready for print

- Getting Corebook to Print and Nomad preview/proofread

- Reviewing completed Adventures in the Human Sphere scenarios and getting through approvals

With the core book in its final birthing pangs, we've had several people asking about what the release schedule is for supplements. Here's our current plan:


Core Rule Book Collector's Edition (inc. O-12 Mission Architect) - Awaiting Nomad chapter, confirmation of error corrections and index. 

Player's Guide - Once corebook corrections confirmed will be quickly assembled. 

Quickstart Player's Guide (inc. Tabletop Conversion Rules, RPG Miniature Stats, Faction Handler Creator) - Final checks

Adventures in the Human Sphere - in approvals and re-writers. Requires ten days to print giving us 3 weeks to complete this book to get it shipped with Wave 1

Quantronic Heat (40 pg. Adventure book) - final approvals, will be ready as core book arrives

Original Corvus Belli RPG Characters (PDF Exclusive) - final checks

Geomorphic Tile Sets - at the printers - expected back same time as core book

Dice and Token Sets - ready

Character & NPC Sheets - at the printers - expected before core book

0-12 Collectors Edition Box - Mockup to be revealed soon, awaiting ship date. 


Ariadna Faction Book 

Haqqislam Faction Book 

Nomads Faction Book 

PanOceania Faction Book

Yu Jing Faction Book

ALEPH Faction Book

Dire Foes Adventure Supplement

40 Page PDF Adventure 

GM Screen with 32 page adventure - prioritising bringing this forward 

Adversaries Deck, Plot Deck, Wilderness of Mirrors Deck, Location/Zone Deck


Gamemaster's Guide - prioritising bringing this forward

Technology of the Human Sphere 

Ships of the Human Sphere 

Tactical Armoured Gears 

O-12 Files 

War Market: Mercenaries Sourcebook

Paradiso Sourcebook

Tohaa Sourcebook

Combined Army Sourcebook

Acheron Cascade

Shadow Affairs Shentang Shuffle (Original Corvus Belli Adventure)

We're looking at the feasibility of moving the Gamemaster's Guide into Wave 2. What's more likely to happen is that we'll get a playtest beta of that material released around the same time as Wave 2 to give you lots of time to playtest it and work out the kinks before we finalise it into print.

That's it for today, we'll be sharing updated previews of the Adventures in the Human Sphere as soon as they're signed off and we'll have shipping news and how we're going to be handling that next week. 

Enjoy the weekend, 

Chris, Modiphius

Human Edge Preview
almost 8 years ago – Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 09:49:09 PM

Hi everyone the Human Edge chapter is in the Backerkit digital downloads folder to help proof read. We're just chasing the Nomads section and the page numbering has begun as we've been able to lock the page count so we're getting close. 

Please send your error reports on Human Edge by midnight on thursday if you can we're heading in to the Easter weekend here and want to stay ahead of the game. 

Enjoy the chapter!

Chris, Modiphius

Core Book Proofing Update
almost 8 years ago – Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 09:52:07 PM

Hi everyone quick update, sorry for the delay with the holiday week here it throws things out. Justin's fall about 10 days back knocked him out of action for much of last week which has put him quite behind in dealing with approvals and reviewing or re-writing content. He can now type without pain so has been catching up quickly this week. 

Here's an overall production update: 

- We've completed our own proofreading pass of the whole book and along with the many reports submitted by you are going through fixing everything. If you have any final reports please submit them by midnight this Sunday. 

- CB requested some changes to previously approved content so these are being fixed at the moment (I believe this is based on content being updated at their end which affects what we've written but it needs to be done)

- The Human Edge is now approved and in editing. We expect this to be laid out very quickly and out for preview imminently

- Nomads is back in approvals and we hope will be approved for editing shortly. 

BACKER NAMES: It's your last chance to check the Backer Names file. Please let us know if your name is wrong by Sunday night at midnight UK time. We'll compile the final pages on monday for the credits. We're giving you a bit more time just in case. There's been a lot of people that forgot they put a different name in for the credits so please please check your Backerkit account first before contacting [email protected]

We'll send out an update as soon as those last two chapters are ready for you to preview. At that point we'll be assembling the final pdf and doing all the 'see page xx' references ready for the printer. 


Chris, Modiphius

Backer Credits - PLEASE CHECK!
almost 8 years ago – Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 11:43:27 PM

Hi guys quick update the team are still ploughing the corrections being reported. Justin had a nasty fall on the stairs at the weekend so was recovering for a few days. I'm waiting for him to catch up and will do an update with progress as soon as he's back online. Please bear with him.


PLEASE check your credits and email [email protected] with the subject 'INFINITY BACKER CREDITS'. You can find a word doc listing all backers credits at this link. Please double check before emailing as most people usually miss their name then panic! Check what you used in Backerkit for your credits if you're not sure. There are several highlighted in yellow where we'd like you confirm what you wrote in an email to us (backers will get a separate email about that). Remember - only you can proof read your credits. 

PLEASE EMAIL US BY TUESDAY MORNING 9am British Standard Time if there is an error with your backer credit. 


Whilst we're waiting keep those error reports on the core book coming as it's important we make the most of the time. Remember send your error reports to [email protected] 


Chris, Modiphius

Proof Reader's Core Book File
almost 8 years ago – Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 12:08:12 AM

Hi folks we're now in the final proof reading stage. I've updated your Backerkit with the v5 core book file and deleted all the older core book chapters to make it easier to find. 

You'll find this version has had a lot of updates -  many of the chapters have been re-organised and re-laid out (not a small task) whilst the many corrections were made. This made them flow better and improved the layout. This version has had most of the corrections through until section 3 - The Human Sphere. Section 3 onwards is being corrected right now but we want to give you all as much time to help proof read so please focus error reports on everything up to part 3 of the book.

There's three items to come: 

1) Chapter 3.1 Life in the Human Sphere (what was previously referred to as the Gazeteer) has been approved and is in layout and will be complete for CB approval tomorrow. 

2) The missing two chapters Human Edge and Nomads which had to have re-writes based on new revealed content are with Gutier for approval. They will be very fast to layout so whilst we're awaiting we're starting the final proof read. 


- Planetary sections will have a graphic detailing which Circulars connect there, they're being dropped in next. 

- The cover, contents and maps plus final references pages will be added whilst we're doing this proof reading stage. 

- The index is waiting on those three sections being dropped in since it will affect the pagination (could bump page numbers). 

There's also another key stage this week for everyone, BACKER CREDITS. 

We'll be sharing the list we have on Wednesday based on your entry on Backerkit and we'll give you until we go to print to double check your name is there and is correct. Sometimes the export process screws with the fonts. As we are unable to proofread the Backer credits we rely on Backers to check them personally so please make sure to look it over. Do remember you may have used a different name or nickname when you first filled in Backerkit. Most queries are usually solved when people check the credits again. Once we go to print we can only update the PDF version. There will be an email address to confirm your details if they are wrong. 


If you want to contribute and dig in to the core book and send us error reports please on the sections up until Section 3 The Human Sphere. Please end your error reports to [email protected] - thankyou so much!

That's it for now, we're keeping the approvals team (on our side and CB's) focused on the core book this week so there are no distractions but next week we'll return to more detailed updates about the rest of Wave 1 onwards. We'll be using the month long print process for the core book to catch up with Wave 1 items so they all arrived at the same time. 

Thanks for the patience

Chris, Modiphius