Infinity - Ariadna Update & Collectors Edition Shipping
about 7 years ago
– Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 05:42:16 PM
Well as some of you are discovering the Collectors Edition shipments have all gone - they were all shipped out in one day. Please remember to be patient - if you're in North America or the rest of the world they could be turning up over the course of the next couple of weeks.
In other news we have the Ariadna supplement in preview for you to check out - it's in the All the PDF's folder in Backerkit and will also be sent to those with Ariadna in their pledge. This is pre-layout so we can get some final feedback. If you have any feedback please provide below or send to [email protected] as usual before 22nd Jan it would be a great help!
Here's some quick updates on other Wave 2 items which are coming soon or progressing quickly.
GM screen is still 99% done (we hope to get approval and go to print soon. We will send out for preview in PDF for final comments shortly)
GM Guide is either approved, on Gutiers desk or in final edit. (we'll send out in preview like Ariadna as soon as it's approved)
Card decks are coming along - NPC deck is in rough layout already.
PanO is complete and with Gutier
Haqqislam will be go to Gutier as soon as PanO is approved.
Hope you enjoy Ariadna!
Chris, Modiphius
Collectors Edition Update
about 7 years ago
– Tue, Jan 09, 2018 at 12:13:27 AM
Good news everyone the Collector's Editions arrived however at a different warehouse used for bulk shipments and had to be moved by truck to our main one last week. I was waiting for confirmation that they were ACTUALLY starting to ship before letting everyone know. The warehouse is setting up the packing positions today as there's a lot of possible SKU's that can go in a box so they set up a custom packing area for the Kickstarter. They will start shipping North American packages from tomorrow, then Rest of the World, then Europe, then UK. We do it in this order so the roughly speaking everyone's packages start arriving at the same time.
I will send a proper update once shipping is complete on the collector's editions and can confirm 100% every package has left. I'm waiting for a package with our own copies in so we can show them off. Please be patient and don't immediately email us wanting to know where your package is as it will take at least a week for US orders to get through the system and could take longer. I'm getting specific details on how long the warehouse expects each regions shipments to take so once I have that info I'll share.
We're really excited to get the final part of the Wave 1 shipment out and thanks so much for everyone for their patience waiting for this.
I know Gutier and our team have been exchanging lots of files so bear with us as the team gets rolling and we'll get an update on Wave 2 items as soon as we can. We plan to proof each full book in word doc with you going forward as sending individual chapters actually slows down the production process (as they're focusing on getting a chapter ready for you not laying out the whole book correctly).
We spotted Adventures in the Human Sphere wasn't showing up in the All the PDF's download so have recreated and re-issued it
Chris, Modiphius
Infinity RPG Update
about 7 years ago
– Fri, Dec 15, 2017 at 07:36:52 PM
Hi folks we have news on the Collectors Edition - it's printed and gone through the difficult 'page edging' that caused the re-print, and has passed quality checks. We have literally just been informed this afternoon that the books will arrive with us no later than the 21st December. I was really hoping this would have been here at least a week ago and we'd have been shipping by now so I can tell you we are frustrated as those of you waiting on your first wave delivery for this.
As the delivery will arrive with one day spare before Christmas it's unlikely they will be checked and shipped out however we're talking to the warehouse about how soon we can physically get them out the door. I just want you to know that it's not long now. Thanks for the patience.
If you were expecting a wave 1 shipment with the normal core book and its still not arrived please email [email protected]
So on to other Wave 2 items:
Haqqislam - Ian our reviewer is currently checking over the book prior to Gutiers approvals, then it will go in to edit and layout.
Ariadna is APPROVED and in Editing. ETA over Christmas and we'll share it when it comes in so we can get backer reviews asap.
GM Screen internal and booklet is APPROVED. Exterior art is pending. We have 1 half of it need the other which is in approvals.
PanOceania - 50% is on Gutiers desk but as GM guide chapters get past mark they're queue jumping and being given priority. CB is essentially on leave for Xmas tying up approvals but Gutier is still sending feedback as he can.
GamesMaster Guide - Gutier has the first chapter and knows to prioritise the rest to get this book out asap. 3 Chapters are being reviewed before going to Gutier and 2 chapters are in progress. There are 4 due in december so it's moving fast now.
Aleph, has Adversaries and Infowar left to be done. Infowar should be done early Jan. Adversaries is will be completed by the end of month (Xmas etc).
Yu Jing is largely done though Gear and Adversaries need to be completed.
Nomads is last and in work but will show progress in January.
Card Decks
- NPCs is ready for Gutier to look at (then layout)
- Plot deck is halfway done
- Location is queued.
- WOM deck has is halfway done
When will my Wave 2 ship?
We had a bunch of questions asking if you'll have to wait for all of Wave 2 to be ready, we will actually be shipping pledges out as soon as all their wave 2 items are ready. So if you're literally just waiting on the GM Guide your order will get packed and shipped immediately. As a result Wave 2 will be an ongoing string of shipments being sent out and it will likely merge with Wave 3 as again if you're only waiting on one Wave 3 item your order will ship as soon as that's ready.
Thanks for all the continuing patience, and I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas, our team will be continuing to work through the end of next week and writers will be beavering away over Christmas so we hope to start the new year with a surge on Wave 2 and get as many out to you as possible in preview prior to printing.
Chris, Modiphius
Infinity shipping is upon us!
over 7 years ago
– Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 12:44:10 AM
Hi guys, just wanted to show you a video that Corvus Belli tweeted of the team opening a box of the approval copies of the Infinity RPG at Essen - they were so excited to see the book finally
The box is now on it's way to the Spanish office of Corvus Belli and we can't wait to see their reaction there! As you may know the core books have arrived! Here's proof!
I'm summarising some updates I made in the comments last week to bring people up to speed. We received the stock and the warehouse spent some time checking it over for errors, Rita and Benn worked long hours double checking the first wave data - there's like 9000 lines of information in the first batch alone and it's a good thing they did as there were still some errors, unpaid shipping and more that needed sorting.
The data went to our warehouse for processing end of play wednesday last week - they import it in to their system, print the labels and prep the warehouse - there are 90 different possible pick options for Infinity Wave 1 which has meant a lot of work to prepare.
Meanwhile Rita and Benn have been working their way through thousands more line items to get the next batch of orders ready for them. The good news is the packaging starts tomorrow!
The warehouse forecasts a week to pack the US orders which are all being collated, and sent to a freight forwarder to air freight to the USA. They'll then get injected in to the US postal service. So figure on about 2 weeks from tomorrow for orders to start dropping in to the postal service in the US. So please bear this in mind I'll update you all as soon as I know the US bulk shipment is being air freighted to the US. You'll also get confirmation emails going out as it happens.
As soon as the US orders are complete they'll be processing the Rest of the World, then EU and UK orders which are closer to home and will arrive much much quicker.
Sadly all is not good news - our truck was meant to pick up the Collectors Editions last week however on inspection the black page edging had not dried properly and was found to be sticking together on a lot of the pages so we took the painful decision to reject the entire stock. Yeah.... The factory are reprinting the whole collectors edition at their cost right now and our representative is going to be overseeing the 'gilding' process where the black edging is added to make sure it goes through smoothly. What that means is orders with a Collectors Edition will at the end of the fulfilment after the basic editions have shipped - it will take a couple of weeks to work our way through the thousands of orders so by then we hope the Collectors Edition should be reprinted but we'll keep you appraised of progress. I'm sorry that you'll have to wait a bit longer if you've got a Collector's Edition but there was no way we could ship that stock.
If you do NOT have a Wave 1 shipment and would like to pick up some of your order from the Dragonmeet convention in London please email [email protected] with an email headed DRAGONMEET PICKUP by this monday 20th Nov to allow us time to order the stock from the warehouse.
Now on to some news regarding wave 2.
The Ariadna Sourcebook is now largely approved. Over the weekend Gutier approved the crucial 30 page Dawn Chapter leaving only the Campaigns chapter and the Dire foes stories left to be approved. At this point we will be sending the chapters to editing and then to yourselves for proofreading. Watch this space!
Once Ariadna is fully approved we’ll be looking to get PanOceania past Gutier. To help us on this task we’ve recruited Ian Wood who will be known to many of you in the community to help check the fluff materials conform to established canon. Ian has been working on the PanO planet files while we resolve Ariadna. When there is more information to hand on this I’ll advise.
That's it for today
Chris, Modiphius
Infinity Core shipping update
over 7 years ago
– Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 11:27:02 PM
Hi there everyone, late last week we found out the factory was more than struggling with Frankfurt book fair - it turned out they were quite behind with production of the core book and had not actually shipped yet. We've spent the last few days sorting this out with them. They've put their hands up and admitted their fault in this and have really apologised for the problems it's caused us.
We have taken on organising the freight from their factory to our warehouse, and they are footing the bill. We have two giant arctic trucks heading there to pick up the core books on Thursday and these should be with us six days later or Wednesday the 1st. We'll be getting our warehouse to start shipping them out the very next day.
As I mentioned in the last update the collectors editions need the extra black page edging and unique numbered holographic stickers adding once the book is printed, they will ship out from the printer the following week. As we have so many Kickstarter Wave 1 shipments with core books to make that will take a whole week, and by the time they arrive the warehouse will be ready to start shipping the collectors editions (they should arrive around the 7th.
It's incredibly frustrating after all the delays to find this out and we held off sending this until we had confirmed details that our trucks are booked in for the collection and could say with confidence they would be picked up on Thursday. As we're in charge of the booking we'll be able to confirm pick up and keep an eye on the progress over to the UK
Now to something more positive. Here's a quick video showing the Player's Guide, which features the bonus content of the Infinity miniatures character stats and the N3 / 2d20 conversion rules.
Here's a more detailed update on Wave 2 books that are close to being complete. From this point on we will send previews of whole books in word doc format for you to provide feedback.
Ariadna is 3 chapters short of full approval (everything else is with the editor. Once she’s done we can send chapters for backer proofreading. Dawn (1 of the 3) is still with Gutier. The Ariadna Campaign chapter is with the line manager and the Dire foes/Bostra backer text is with the art director for final briefs.
PanOceania drafts are largely done with 1 chapter due Monday and another on Monday week. 3 chapters are under revision (2 are on Justin’s list to review having been returned and 1 has a deadline of Wednesday). 2 more chapters are awaiting Justin’s notes (Varuna and Helots). Dire foes/Bostra backer text is with Rodrigo. We expect all Drafts to be in by Oct 30th
Aleph has about half its chapters in Draft although a deadline slipped due to PanO revision work. We expect all Drafts to be in by Oct 30th.
Haqqislam has a dependency on an Ariadna piece being approved and an Adversaries chapter. Its turnaround date is subject to change BUT is more complete today than PanO is.
YuJing – we've had to change a writer on this and YuJing has dependencies on virtually every other book so its turnaround date is subject to change.
Nomads – This book is assigned to a writer working on other faction books but he is very fast so we don't expect a long delay in turnaround.
Acheron Cascade is in development still and the team have been focusing resources on the faction books to get those completed as quickly as possible.
GM screen – this is in editing and we're reviewing the main screen art with CB.
There will be more Wave 2 updates in a little while. Wave 3 has some general development work but again resources are focused on Wave 2 to get these complete as quickly as possible.
Chris, Modiphius