
Corvus Belli's INFINITY Roleplaying Game

Created by Chris Birch, Modiphius

The official roleplaying game based on Corvus Belli's sci-fi skirmish game INFINITY

Latest Updates from Our Project:

PREVIEW - Gamesmaster Guide & Quick update
over 6 years ago – Thu, May 31, 2018 at 12:07:24 AM

Hi there, for those with the Gamesmaster Guide in their pledge (or all the PDF's) you'll find the updated layout file (v6) in your Backerkit account. Please try to get us feedback by midnight Thursday 7th June to [email protected]

This is going to print as soon as the final feedback is in, and the same printer is printing the box set and GM Screen as well so they'll all turn up together which will allow a whole bunch of orders in Wave 2 to ship out. 

As a quick production update we have the complete draft of Nomads queued up for Gutier's approval after Aleph. 

The updated 'Post Uprising' Yujing book is with Ian for cannon review before going to Gutier. 

Final draft of Paradiso is 1 chapter away,  

The combined army book is 2 chapters away (lifepaths are ongoing; we have Human, Morat & Shasvastti)

The Tohaa faction book is half done. We expect aliens to need a few passes. 

 The shadow affairs adventure is midway through draft and Shentang Shuffle started today. 

Final Cards decks are on Marc’s desk for review

We're off to the UK Games Expo tomorrow so if you're there come and say hello

Chris, Modiphius

Production Update (28th April)
almost 7 years ago – Sat, Apr 28, 2018 at 01:50:26 PM

Hi everyone the first book in Wave 2 is here in the office! We just had the production samples of Ariadna...

Here's a more detailed update.

Circular File - the free Quickstart adventure has been updated in the corebook folder in Backerkit, and is also updated on DriveThruRPG and

Ariadna – Arriving in the warehouse, once it arrives we'll prep any orders 'just' waiting on Ariadna for shipping. We'll confirm when this is happening. 

Gamesmaster Screen – at printers we expect it back in about 4 weeks. Again orders just waiting on this will then ship. 

012 BOX – At a new printer due to production issues however we expect it to be ready by the time the GM Guide is printed. 

GamesMaster Guide – In Layout  (almost complete)

Card Decks – 2 (NPC and Locations decks) are Ready to be printed 

PanO – Approved and going through post approval prep for layout. 

Haqqislam – 3 chapters shy of approval. 1 of these has been resubmitted and 2 have yet to receive notes 

Nomads – in pre-approval with Ian before going to Gutier.

Aleph – in pre-approval with Ian before going to Gutier. 

Yujing – in pre-approval with Ian before going to Gutier. 

Shadow Affairs campaign – In writing (6 chapters complete) 

40 page Dire foes (Shentang Shuffle) Outline agreed 

Combined Army Book –  5 of 7 draft chapters received – (Planned Drafts by early May) 

Tohaa Book – 2 of 8 draft chapters received –  (Planned Drafts by end of May) 

Paradiso Planet Book– 7 of 11 draft chapters received – (Planned Drafts by end of May) 

Wave 3 

In general Wave 2 books are prioritised so some are TBC awaiting focus from the dev team to be freed up, however the te

Warmarket TBC 

TAGs, Ships and Tech book. The tech team are geared up, the books are outlined and a general time frame of 1 a month is planned 

Hypercorps & O-12 files (Outlines with Gutiers desk. 

Acheron Cascade TBC

That's it for today!

Chris, Modiphius

Ariadna Supplement, NPC & GM Plot Deck Preview
almost 7 years ago – Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 10:32:30 PM

Hi there, if you have Ariadna in your pledge the final version of the layout is now in preview in your Backerkit Account. Please let us know by April 8th any final error reports, it will then go to print which should take about 10 days, and any pledges just waiting on Ariadna will start shipping. 

In addition the Gamesmaster (GM) Plot Deck and the NPC Deck are also now in PDF preview - if you have either as an Add On, as part of your pledge or the PDF Subscription you should now also see them in your digital downloads to preview. 

Please give us feedback on the both decks by April 8th as well and they will then go to print. As usual please send all error reports to [email protected] with the subject 'Infinity Errors'.

The Gamesmaster Guide is in layout and progressing nicely (50% done) so we hope to give you the final preview on that very soon. 

PanOceania is 95% approved and ready to go into layout once the GM Guide is finished.

Haqqislam and the other faction guides are queued up behind PanO and should start to move quickly. I know many of you are waiting on just your favourite faction supplements so we'll get them out as soon as we can

Chris, Modiphius 

Gamesmaster Guide & GM Screen Art Preview
almost 7 years ago – Sat, Mar 03, 2018 at 03:40:01 PM

Hi there as ever the wheels of steel have been moving onwards and we have two more previews for you to check out. The GM Screen artwork and Gamesmaster Guide is now ready to view in your Backerkit Account. The GM Screen is included for backers who have the GM screen in their pledge (or PDF Subscriptions), and the Gamesmaster Guide for those with All the PDF's. 

The GM Screen has been styled as an 0-12 Bureau intelligence screen. 

The Gamesmaster Guide consists of pre-layout PDF chapters so perfect timing for you to help us proof read and report any grammar, rules or other issues you find. Please include error reports below in the comments or submit to [email protected] by Monday 19th March. 

Thanks again to everyone who's been diligently checking every file we send out - your reports are incredibly useful alongside our own proof reading team. It's impossible to catch every error so the more eyes on the books the better. 

Here's an overview of the chapters you'll find in the Gamesmaster Guide, now ready for you to use!


This GM’s Guide is more. More than a sourcebook. More than a campaign guide. More than a collection of powerful NPCs. It has been lovingly crafted to explore many of the aspects that a GM might face after taking the decision to run Infinity the Roleplaying Game. Below is a primer of the topics you can expect:

Chapter 1 – Levelling Up: Becoming an Infinity GM

There are many aspects to GMing, and many arts to master when seeking to become a successful one. The first chapter for this guide covers many of the theoretical aspects of GMing, from task and responsibilities, to an alternative means of enabling action and drama. There is plenty in here for every GM, new or old, to consider.

Chapter 2 – In for a Penny

From the theoretical to the practical, the second chapter looks at the practical aspects of running a game. Topics such as table etiquette are explored, as are pre-game preparations, and improvisational tools. Finally, the chapter offers a table of random events that can be used as a catalyst for instant and enjoyable encounters.

Chapter 3 – Assets & Other Rewards

Assets are deliberately a tenebrous quantity. This chapter has been written to provide some insight into their material value across the Human Sphere and offer advice for using them as a reward during play. Other types of non-monetary reward are also discussed including allies, contacts, and XP.

Chapter 4 – In-Game Props

Unarguably, the biggest prop that a GM has at their disposal within the game are the NPCs that bring the setting to vibrant life. This chapter explores topics such as NPC design, archetypes, characteristics, and special abilities, which includes advice on designing Heat spends. A selection of sample NPC agent handlers round out the chapter.

Chapter 5 – Ultimate Adversaries

On the back of In-Game Props, this chapter takes an in-depth look at designing the most ultimate of adversaries that the PCs will face, Nemesis-level opponents. Intended to be at least a match for any single PC, these powerful adversaries can be a daunting prospect when it comes to design, though this chapter goes a long way to easing the process. It finishes with example adversaries drawn from across the factions of the Human Sphere, from the mighty Achilles to the stoic Roger Van Zant.

Chapter 6 – Campaign Creation

Having discussed the creation of NPCs, its time to consider their playground. Creating a campaign can grow from seemingly random seeds. In discussing topics such as campaign design, flow, and personalisation, this chapter will bring some order to the chaos.

Chapter 7 – Behind the Veil

The intrigues of the Wilderness of Mirrors are enough to befuddle even the most avid of its travellers. This chapter, however, has been designed to dispel the illusion of some of its many reflections. Subterfuge Intensity is discussed in more detail, plus plenty of optional rules for dealing with intrigue are discussed.

Chapter 8 – Tri-Aspect Conflict

The triple-layered battlefield of the Infinity RPG offers plenty of scope for action and drama. The influence of character traits and Heat are covered, zones are explored, and a simplified Psywar system is offered as an alternative.

Chapter 9 – Beyond the Physical

Both Maya and Arachne can be strange and daunting places that sometimes seem behind the bounds of our own modern minds to comprehend. This chapter takes a walk through both with a view to assisting GMs through more descriptive elements of each.

Chapter 10 – Large Scale Warfare

What if a player wants to directly oversee a large scale defensive action in the jungles of Paradiso? Or, perhaps the group wants to direct teams of hackers in assaulting the technological systems of an enemy in support of the physical conflict. Now they can with these optional rules that tie directly in to the main mechanics.

Chapter 11 – Vehicular Combat

The rules introduced within the Infinity Corebook are further expanded upon. New statistics for many vehicles from across the Human Sphere are also presented.

Chapter 12 – Stellar Warfare  

With humanity spread across the stars, conflicts no longer take place just on the ground. This chapter introduces ship-to-ship combat, with several sample ships also provided.

Hope you enjoy and this stimulates some awesome new games of Infinity!

Chris, Modiphius

GM Screen Preview! Production Update
about 7 years ago – Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 11:04:56 PM

Hi everyone the latest preview is ready for those with the Gamesmaster Screen in their pledge (anyone who purchased the physical screen as an Add On or in the pledge or with the PDF Subscription). You'll find this in your Backerkit Account

You'll find the draft tables for which we'd love feedback  - is there anything missing, anything that's not needed? Add your feedback in the comments below or send to [email protected] by 12th Feb latest if you can!

You will also find the 32 page GM screen adventure booklet - here's a summary of what to expect: 

Despite presenting a unified front against the relentless predations of the Combined Army, the factions of the Human Sphere constantly manoeuvre for status and gain. Clandestine meetings lead to new alliances, covet operations shatter old, quantronic warfare prises open the secrets of rivals, and new technological advancements render other factions’ developments obsolete . 

Plots and counterplots simmer constantly beneath the thin veneer of civility called the Human Sphere, all largely kept hidden from the ever-connected eye of a citizenry that is ever-connected and relentlessly hungry for news. Protecting the bulk of the Human Sphere from the worst of these interminable events is an arduous and often thankless task.  

Luckily, safeguards such as the Infinity the Roleplaying Game GM Screen are available to shield your players from the worst secrets the Human Sphere has to offer.

• A sturdy four-panel screen that presents action-packed artwork to the players.

• Handy charts and tables on the interior designed to ensure games remain focussed on the action.

• A 32-page booklet containing two unique adventures, both including new maps, Wilderness of Mirrors objectives, and unique villains.

• A treatise on Recreations, those ancient heroes reconstructed by ALEPH to once again offer their wisdom and glory to the Human Sphere.


Here's an update on where things stand with wave 2 (and a bit of 3) 

GM Screen - now in preview and awaiting one piece of art to be signed off for the front cover after which it will go to print!

Card Decks - We're prioritising to complete at the same time as the GM Guide so we can get the box set completed. 

Ariadna is 100% approved and edited. Please remember to submit any final feedback by Sunday. 

The GM Guide is 90% approved and cycling through editing. 

PanOceania is currently under review. 

Paradiso - in the middle of approvals with Gutier

Haqqislam - complete and ready for Gutier to approve after PanOceania

Aleph - complete and being reviewed for canon consistency before CB approval

Yujing - complete and awaiting canon review. 

Nomads - expected to be complete end of Feb. 

Shadow Affairs Campaign - in development but will be one of the last items in wave 2

Wave 3 - Outlines for Mercenaries and the Combined Army are ready, TAG and Starships books are in work, Tohaa book is in discussion over content. 

Hope you enjoy the GM Screen!

Chris, Modiphius