The official roleplaying game based on Corvus Belli's sci-fi skirmish game INFINITY
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Yu Jing in Print!
over 5 years ago
– Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 09:02:54 PM
Hi everyone!
The Yu Jing sourcebook is in print and has just arrived in the warehouse!
Yu Jing Shipping
As usual this will be sent out to all backers waiting on this book to complete their pledge. If you’re going to receive a shipment in the next couple of weeks you will have received an email on Monday asking you to check your address asap. Please, if you’ve not checked this, look at the address now.
If you’re one of our backers with other books in wave 3 that are still to come, rest assured that we wont wait any longer than we have to for sending out books once they're in layout and print. If you want to discuss your own pledge and its fulfillment, and get what’s available now, please contact us at [email protected] and we can arrange an early shipment and resolve any shipping fees.
Wave 3 Development
Here's the update of where we are currently with the development of the wave 3 supplements:
Paradiso World Book – Thomas has the files and is beginning the layout process.
War Market: Mercenaries – Marc is looking over Gutier’s approval feedback.
Tohaa faction book – Manuscript ready for Gutier to review.
Combined Army faction book – Manuscript ready for Gutier to review.
Shadow Affairs Campaign - Elements are being rewritten in cross-reference with the comments from Gutier's review of Paradiso.
Tactical Armoured Gears – Draft being reviewed.
Ships of the Human Sphere – Draft has begun.
Technology of the Human Sphere - Same as Ships of the Human Sphere, the team's ready to go once we have more approval bandwidth.
Nebula of Mirrors – Draft has begun.
The 0-12 Files – Still waiting on feedback from Gutier.
Hypercorps – We're holding Hypercorps while we clear through some of the preceding development work on the above titles.
Acheron Cascade Campaign – On hold.
We'll provide more updates with progress and previews, if you have any questions about your pledge then ask [email protected] who will be glad to help!
Until next time,
Sam, Head of RPG Development
Yu Jing PDF Available Now
over 5 years ago
– Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 02:46:28 AM
Yu Jing PDF Final
Hey everyone! Just a quick not to let you know the Yu Jing source book final is available in your BackerKit.
Just head over to BackerKit and follow the steps below to grab the PDF!
Once you log in you should see this
This is the link you need!
Select Yu Jing v7 from the MediaFire folder!
Yu Jing Preview + Cost of Greed Dire Foes
over 5 years ago
– Sat, Jun 22, 2019 at 02:43:32 AM
Hey everyone! I've got a preview of the Yu Jing book for you this week, and an update on progress from Marc and the team.
Yu Jing Preview
Marc and Thomas have prepared a preview file of the Yu Jing supplement, which dropped into backerkit yesterday!
Yu Jing covers a lot of material, including details on the two key planets of the StateEmpire: Shentang and Yutang. It's also got new lifepaths for characters hailing from the StateEmpire, new armor and equipment, and adversaries for gamemasters.
Cost of Greed - Dire Foes
There's also a new PDF to supplement the Cost of Greed adventure booklet: Cost of Greed - Dire Foes, which is in the backerkit too! The PDF has stat blocks representing the main characters in the Dire Foes Mission Packs 1-5, now included in the Uprising from Corvus Belli. These adversaries are characters you are likely to meet in your The Cost of Greed campaign, either working with them or challenging you throughout your adventures.
Wave 3 Development
Here's the update of where we are currently with the development of the wave 3 supplements:
Yu Jing faction book - in your hands for a backer preview!
Paradiso World Book - Gutier has reviewed 11 chapters, 9 have been approved, and we're addressing comments on the remaining 2. Next step, layout!
Shadow Affairs Campaign - Elements are being rewritten in cross-reference with the comments from Gutier's review of Paradiso.
War Market: Mercenaries - Ready for Gutier's review.
Tohaa faction book - Most of the chapters have been reviewed, and a final chapter is being finished up before Marc's review and Gutier's approval.
Tactical Armoured Gears - First draft's currently underway, due this month.
Combined Army faction book - With only 1 outstanding chapter left, we've popped this on hold to ease the approval backlog.
Ships of the Human Sphere - Outline approved, and the team is ready to go once the writers have been freed up and we've had more approvals on preceding books.
Technology of the Human Sphere - Same as Ships of the Human Sphere, the team's ready to go once we have more approval bandwidth.
Hypercorps - We're holding Hypercorps while we clear through some of the preceding development work on the above titles.
The 0-12 Files - We resubmitted the outline to Gutier based on changes to Infinity, so we maintain the consistency of the universe. As far as I know we're waiting to hear back.
Acheron Cascade Campaign - We're making slow progress on this campaign, and with the current backlog of written work and approvals, this is effectively on hold.
Nebula of Mirrors - Gutier has the outline in hand, and as far as I know we're waiting to hear back on his approval.
I'm sure you can all see the sheer amount of work both Marc and Gutier have processing the creative team's work (13 books, about 1456 pages, almost 1 million words!), so while this update will give you a snapshot of where we are right now, I'm afraid I won't be making any promises or predictions of when supplements will be available or released. As things are still a little uncertain with how quickly approvals will progress, I can't be certain in giving you release dates for wave 3. I won't be making promises I can't keep, or misleading you - but I can promise to keep you up to date with progress when we have made progress.
As ever, you can reach out to us at [email protected] with any questions. If you have any queries about your individual pledge, as opposed to the supplements in general, please contact support rather than posting a comment - posting a comment will cause delays in us getting back to you, and we may not be able to identify you based purely on your username.
Until next time!
Sam, Head of RPG Development
Wave 2 Shipping Begins!
almost 6 years ago
– Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 12:42:46 AM
Wave 2 Shipping Begins
Greetings from the Human Sphere! We're happy to say shipping has begun and already half of the Wave 2 pledges have been dispatched, with the rest leaving for your doorsteps this week!
If you have any problems with deliveries or shipping information, please contact [email protected].
Card Decks
I thought I'd share some images of the card decks we got into the office, just before the fulfilment began! We're really happy with how these turned out and how they'll augment your games. They each come in a tuck box, and the cards are shrink wrapped inside (as you can see from the GM Plot Deck).
Adversary card deck
Location card deck
GM Plot card deck
Wilderness of Mirrors card deck
Yu Jing Artwork
The Yu Jing supplement is still in approvals, but we've got some artwork to show off, you can see below!
That's it for now! We'll include a lot more information on development progress in our next update, but for now enjoy your wave 2 products!
Sam, Head of RPG Development
URGENT! Has your address changed?
almost 6 years ago
– Mon, Apr 01, 2019 at 12:47:53 AM
Hi we're prepping for another big wave of Infinity RPG shipments and need to check your address is correct.
2. IF and ONLY IF your address is different to what is shown in Backerkit please email [email protected] with your new address and full name so she can update your details.
We have to do this manually to ensure no other changes are made to pledges etc as all this information has been downloaded.