PREVIEW: Mercenaries, Submondo, Adversaries, CB Characters & More!
about 8 years ago
– Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 11:11:51 PM
Hi everyone as promised the team have come through and got the Mercenaries & Submondo chapters approved by CB for you to download from the Core book folder in Backerkit but also several more major items from Wave 1 have been approved and are also available to preview:
- Corporations - An updated version of the Corporations Chapter with additional material
- The original Corvus Belli Characters from their very first games! - 'Infinity Characters Preview PDF - this let's you use the Corvus Belli's team's heroes as NPC's in your games, they're really powerful so watch out!
The Original Corvus Belli RPG Characters and the RPG Miniature Characters (see below) will also be gaining art, adversary stat blocks, and character sheets for playing them as PCs before the final release.
A backstreet fight on Neoterra...
PLUS we have drafts of other Wave 1 material currently waiting in the layout queue so you can check it out and let us know any errors you spot (or just start using it)
- Adversaries Chapter - 'Core Part 5.2 - Adversaries v4.1 - a massive 133 page word doc currently going through layout.
- Faction Handler Guide - A resource for GM's to determine who is pulling the strings!
- RPG Miniatures Characters PDF - now turn the miniatures in to your player characters. Stats are still to be added pending approval.
Chase through an assembly line...
Medical attention...
We're going to send out the unique PDF vouchers later this week so in the meantime we hope you enjoy these previews. As usual please add comments with any error reports or email them to [email protected]
Chris, Modiphius
Production Update, New Art & A Bonus
about 8 years ago
– Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 08:34:42 PM
Hi everyone, here's an update and news of a bonus. We're very close to sending out the Submondo and Mercenaries chapters out in preview PDF. CB sent a request to add some logos to the layouts that we're missing and we don't seem to have but I've requested we leave holding gaps for those so we can get you the pdf's to help proof read whilst they're tracked down.
Here's a new image for the Combined Army Threat
Unfortunately the Adversaries and Gear hasn't progressed as quickly in the first week of Jan as Justin our line manager has had health issues with his newborn which are obviously priority. This is easing and she's well thankfully now so he's back to relative normality and catching up. We are working to train up an assistant line manager to help process the rest of the books now the core book is coming to a close. It's actually very difficult to find people with strong editorial skills AND a deep knowledge of Infinity so if you want to suggest anyone please do contact us and we'll talk to them as we're considering adding a third freelance team member in case of backlogs.
We are still aiming to get the core book PDF ready by the end of the month but it's likely we'll have to go to print mid February to allow time for backers and our proof readers to provide error corrections and get them fixed. I know this is disappointing and as a result we're going to give every backer free Modiphius RPG's in PDF worth up to £15 (which will get you any of our core books or supplements to enjoy whilst you wait.
We're aiming to send the vouchers out to people by email next week. You could be picking up Dust Adventures, Achtung! Cthulhu, Mutant Chronicles (inc the Savage Worlds edition) and many more or just expanding your existing collection.
Get ready for lots of armed chases in the Infinity universe!
CORVUS BELLI PDF APPROVAL (due to send to backers in Preview next)
3.2.7 Mercenaries – In Layout - delivery imminent
3.2.8 Submondo – In Layout - delivery imminent
LAYOUT (due in to CB Approval next)
4.0 Gear Chapter (inc Acquisitions, Armour, Weapons, Ammo, Belongings) - In layout queue. Awaiting final approval on Adversaries to ensure equipment is in sync
5.2 Adversaries – Sent final version with fixes to continuity errors for final CB approval so layout can continue.
Player’s Guide: Tabletop Conversion Rules, RPG Miniature Character Stats - going in to layout for preview PDF
Adventures in the Human Sphere: - 10 Adventures in Revision based on CB Comments. Art being created now underway. Assistant Line manager now working on this to get ready for layout in next week.
Finally some gunpoint persuasion!
That's it for today,
Chris, Modiphius
Production Update & Art Preview
about 8 years ago
– Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 11:08:37 PM
Hi everyone, today we have an update from Justin our Line Developer and a more specific update below. There's previews of some new art approved by CB and there's an updated version of the Shentang chapter for you to download in your Backerkit account. Thanks to everyone who provided feedback on that. Please note we'll be implementing the colour coding for transport routes in the final pdf.
First a preview of a Bourak street scene:
At the moment, we’re internally breaking up our final race to the finish line with the core rulebook into three parts: Adversaries, Gear, and the Small Chapters. (The latter being the half dozen small sections remaining out of the 40+ which make up the bulk of the book.)
That list also represents our current prioritisation: We want to get the final polish and approval on the two big sections (Adversaries and Gear) so that we can have our layout team begin work on them while we mop up the lingering headaches in the outstanding small chapters. It’s tempting for us to focus on the smaller stuff first at this point because it’s easier for us to churn out small preview PDFs and we know it feels better to see new content coming out in every update, but at some point we need to bite the bullet on these last two big chunks and we feel if we do it now it should improve our workflow through the end of the book and give us a faster path to the final release.
Let’s take a moment for a detailed look at where we’re at with this:
Adversaries: We thought this was complete last week, but there’s a reason we’ve started referring to it as the “black hole”: There’s always some new wrinkle that sucks in more development time. We discovered that, due to some previous revisions that arose out of the approvals process, a couple of serious continuity errors had been inadvertently created in the short fiction for the Bostria Art Master characters. Each individual piece of fiction looked great, but when you read them altogether there were contradictions. So we’re currently doing a final revision on the fiction pieces, at which point this whole chapter should finally be going into layout.
Gear: As discussed in previous updates, we’ve trimmed and polished the preview Gear that was released to backers in draft form earlier this year. Once the Adversary fiction review is complete, I’ll be doing a final check to make sure the final equipment list doesn’t have any large gaps left in it. Our final art pieces for this are also coming in, so this should be going into layout immediately after the Adversaries chapter.
Small Chapters: The individual progress for these chapters is detailed below. At this point, the writers are basically all done with their work (pending any additional revision requests from Corvus Belli). As opportunities open up, my work on these squeezes into the gaps between the large chapters. (For example, I can do proofreading on a print out while holding my baby girl in one arm during the evenings.) And there’ll be a quick, final mop up when the two big chapters are cleared into layout.
- Justin
Here's an image of some ship repair
PREVIEW PDF COMPLETE (sent to backers since last update)
3.3.8 Shentang / Yutang – Revised PDF Approved by CB
CORVUS BELLI PDF APPROVAL (due to send to backers in Preview next)
LAYOUT (due in to CB Approval next)
3.2.7 Mercenaries – In Layout - delivery this Saturday to CB for approval
3.2.8 Submondo – In Layout - delivery this Saturday to CB for approval
4.0 Gear Chapter (inc Acquisitions, Armour, Weapons, Ammo, Belongings) - In layout queue
5.2 Adversaries – Fixing continuity errors in fiction pieces, then will enter layout with Art Master characters. Approximately 60-70 pages of content.
Original Corvus Belli RPG Character PDF: Waiting for Character Art
EDITING (due in Layout next)
Player’s Guide: Tabletop Conversion Rules: Approved, in Editing, RPG Miniature Character Stats: Approved, in Editing,
REVISIONS BY MODIPHIUS (due in Approvals by CB next)
3.2.1 Ariadna – Revised based on CB request, with line manager for review
3.2.3 Nomads – Revised based on CB request, with line manager for review
3.3.4 Dawn – Revision complete, with line manager for review
3.3.5 Human Edge – Revised, with line manager for review
3.6 Combined Army / Evolved Intelligence – Revised, with line manager for review
5.1 Game Mastering – Zones, Heat, GM Advice all Complete; Wilderness of Mirrors in revision; Scenario Design in draft
5.2.1 Art Master Characters – Correcting continuity errors in short fiction.
Quantronic Heat (40 page PDF Adventure): Part 1 Revision Complete, Revising Parts 2 and 3
Collector’s Book: Bonus Material in Revision
Quickstart (Revised/Final Edition): First Proofreading Revisions Complete
Player’s Guide: Faction Handler Creation Guide: Approved by CB, Player Content from Core Book: Waiting final approval of Core Rule Book
Adventures in the Human Sphere: - 10 Adventures in Revision based on CB Comments. Art being created now underway.
Acheron Cascade Campaign: Outline approved by CB
Faction Books (Ariadna, Haqqislam, Nomads, PanOceania, Yu Jing): Writers have prepared outlines. Line developer is reviewing/revising to bring them all into harmony with each other.
ALEPH Faction Book: Outline Pending
O-12 Files (Adventure): In Development
Shentang Shuffle (PDF Adventure with Corvus Belli Characters): In Development
GM Screen: In Development (pending final core book content)
Finally an image for ship crew ...
The team are working as fast as they can in this final stage to ensure you get the very best core book we can deliver. We have additional layout designers on hand as soon as the other adventures and books start to drop in to the final stages of the process and this along with the additional art directors we've hired will help us massively speed up development.
We're obviously close to Christmas now and we will have to work with CB's availability over the holidays however our goal is to get as much in to layout and approvals before Christmas so we can start the new year with the final PDF for everyone to review before we go to print. I am discussing with CB what their schedule is for the months ahead so we can plan around any heavy work loads that might slow down approvals and give a more accurate timetable for the completion of Wave 2. Also to see how the approvals have gone and how they feel we can speed things up.
Working to our current timetable we expect to be printing the core book in late January (allowing time for final proof reading checks and error corrections) and shipping end of February.
With the new resources we have available to the team we believe we will complete Wave 2 by the summer and Wave 3 by the end of the year. Those are not fixed dates though, as with Mutant Chronicles, your orders will ship as soon as the completed books holding up your order arrive in the warehouse so it's more of a fluid period of shipping as production runs arrive.
Expect another update soon after the weekend with the Mercenaries and Submondo sections. We'll then be working on getting Adversaries finished for you.
Chris, Modiphius